09 Jul HOME WOD – Thursday 9 July 2020

One of the original Heroes: DT. There have been many iterations over the years. We like to combine it with running, make it lighter, and even turn it into a 20-min. AMRAP. But today, we are recognizing DT in its original form, which is why we have kept the loading for Rx’d the same (as is) as for the Competitors. We are aware that most people will need to scale this load, but occasionally we see the value in throwing up a heavy load and having people realize that they still have a ways to go in their fitness journey! To put it simply, it can also be a good ego check.



Briefing video for Unloaded Workout


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)


WARM-UP~ 15 – 20 MINS

(5 min.) Dynamic Mobility Warm-up down the length of about 10m


Lunges + Samson Stretch
Side Ape Drill Animal Movement
Bear Crawls forward + backward
Bird Peckers
Half Handstands


(5 min.) Warm up with a PVC – 6 reps of each:

Shoulder Rolls
Cuban Presses
Good Mornings
Bent Over Rows
2-3 rounds

Flag Pole Stretch for 30 sec. on each side
* Perform 1-2 rounds as a group


(5 min.) With a Barbell – 6 reps of each:

Good Mornings
Bicep Curls – Yep!
2-3 rounds




(10-15 min.) Workout Prep

With a Barbell, perform 6 reps of each:

High Hang Power Cleans
Push Jerks
4 rounds
* Coach them through a few rounds.
* After the first round, have them add weight until they reach their workout weight in the last round.

(20 min.) Perform the Workout



AMRAP 30 min.

45 ft. Bear Crawl
45 Object Jumps
45 sec. Handstand Hold
45 Push-ups
45 Jump to touch target


WARM-UP ~ 5 – 10 min

(5-10 min.) Warm-up

25 ft. Bear Crawl forward + Bear Crawl Backward (do on spot if no room)
5 Inchworm + Push-up
5-10 Air squat to jumping jack
5 Half handstands – scale to attempts or plank get down/ups
25 ft. Bear Crawl forward + Bear Crawl Backward (do on spot if no room)



(10 min.) Prep for the workout


Go through each movement and perform 5-7 reps of each and coach as needed:
Swings/Bear crawl
Sit-up to toss/press/Handstand hold
Jumping Pull-up/Jump to target


* Prep as needed for the workout

(30-35 min.) Perform the workout



As many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes



As needed based on time.



16 DB Deadlift
12 DB Hang Power Clean
9 DB Push Press
5 Rounds



One of the original Heroes: DT. There have been many iterations over the years. We like to combine it with running, make it lighter, and even turn it into a 20-min. AMRAP. But today, we are recognizing DT in its original form, which is why we have kept the loading for Rx’d the same (as is) as for the Competitors. We are aware that most people will need to scale this load, but occasionally we see the value in throwing up a heavy load and having people realize that they still have a ways to go in their fitness journey! To put it simply, it can also be a good ego check.

This workout will tax the neuromuscular system, as well as be a strong test of character 😉 It is a potent triplet—while the movements don’t really compound on one another that much, the overall repetitiveness of having to lift a moderate-to-heavy Barbell is a significant challenge. The workout is a total of 135 reps.


Competitor and Rx’d: Barbell Complexes are usually pretty painful and bring out the best and worst in people. Once fatigue starts to set in, athletes are driven to rest more frequently than in other workouts. One of their goals for today should be to perform ONE more rep than they really want to before putting the Barbell down. If they do fail this rep, they are doing a great job of riding their mental threshold and should adjust based on this.

A common strategy for this workout is to start with 11 reps of unbroken Deadlifts. For the 12th rep, they bring the Barbell to their waist and then perform 8 reps of unbroken Cleans. Then, the 9th rep brings the Barbell to their shoulders for the 6 Push Jerks. For your Competitors, top athletes, and athletes who scale to the appropriate load, this will be possible with minimal breaks between each movement. They should complete the workout in around 10 min. For your members who are trying Rx’d for the first time, it may be possible, but the breaks in between will be much longer. They will take up to 16-18 min. to complete the workout. You will also see a group of athletes who are unable to string together movements unbroken after the third set, and it may become a workout of survival after that. For these athletes, let them struggle today (safely). We have allowed 20 min. to complete the workout.

Fitness: We have kept the workout written as prescribed today. Ideally, we want these athletes to perform the full rep scheme first. Then, if you think it is too much, scale as needed. Challenge them with volume before load today.



Time to complete the workout.


  • All Barbell movements: Scale the load as needed.
  • Fitness:  First, modify the reps to 10-8-6, then reduce the rounds to 4 if needed. Modify to a set of light DBs if needed.



12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb.)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
5 rounds

* Option to go heavier



One of the original Heroes: DT. There have been many iterations over the years. We like to combine it with running, make it lighter, and even turn it into a 20-min. AMRAP. But today, we are recognizing DT in its original form, which is why we have kept the loading for Rx’d the same (as is) as for the Competitors. We are aware that most people will need to scale this load, but occasionally we see the value in throwing up a heavy load and having people realize that they still have a ways to go in their fitness journey! To put it simply, it can also be a good ego check.

This workout will tax the neuromuscular system, as well as be a strong test of character 😉 It is a potent triplet—while the movements don’t really compound on one another that much, the overall repetitiveness of having to lift a moderate-to-heavy Barbell is a significant challenge. The workout is a total of 135 reps.


Competitor and Rx’d: Barbell Complexes are usually pretty painful and bring out the best and worst in people. Once fatigue starts to set in, athletes are driven to rest more frequently than in other workouts. One of their goals for today should be to perform ONE more rep than they really want to before putting the Barbell down. If they do fail this rep, they are doing a great job of riding their mental threshold and should adjust based on this.

A common strategy for this workout is to start with 11 reps of unbroken Deadlifts. For the 12th rep, they bring the Barbell to their waist and then perform 8 reps of unbroken Cleans. Then, the 9th rep brings the Barbell to their shoulders for the 6 Push Jerks. For your Competitors, top athletes, and athletes who scale to the appropriate load, this will be possible with minimal breaks between each movement. They should complete the workout in around 10 min. For your members who are trying Rx’d for the first time, it may be possible, but the breaks in between will be much longer. They will take up to 16-18 min. to complete the workout. You will also see a group of athletes who are unable to string together movements unbroken after the third set, and it may become a workout of survival after that. For these athletes, let them struggle today (safely). We have allowed 20 min. to complete the workout.

Fitness: We have kept the workout written as prescribed today. Ideally, we want these athletes to perform the full rep scheme first. Then, if you think it is too much, scale as needed. Challenge them with volume before load today.



Time to complete the workout.


  • All Barbell movements: Scale the load as needed.
  • Fitness:  First, modify the reps to 10-8-6, then reduce the rounds to 4 if needed. Modify to a set of light DBs if needed.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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08 Jul HOME WOD – Wednesday 8 July 2020

After the last few days of heavy Barbell and Overhead work—and DT on the horizon—we have a longer cardio/bodyweight workout in the cards today. It’s a sneaky shoulder burner. For athletes who attended Monday and Tuesday, think of this workout as an opportunity to get some perfect Push-up technique and volume in, as well as a chance to get sweaty. For those who haven’t attended this week, this workout is about pushing the envelope and hitting it hard for 20 min.



Briefing video for Unloaded Workout


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)



(10-15 min.) Get Warm – PVC and a set of light dumbbells (15/10 lb.)

In partners, perform 8-10 reps each of PVC Partner Stretches.

Then, still in partners ‘I-go-you-go’:

5 Db SA Standing High Pull + 5 DB SA Push Press (each side.)
20 DB Toe-Taps
2-3 rounds each




(10 min.) Power Snatch Prep

Burgener Warm-up with PVC, then:

Snatch Oly Complex(power version) – Use Barbell here

(15 min.) Prep for Workout

4 x 5 reps Power Snatches
* Increase load each set.
* Use these sets to get to the load for their first set of 5.
* Their set of 5 should essentially be a Max attempt, so make sure they get up to a heavy load on their warm-up sets.
* This prep piece should flow straight into the workout sets.

(15 min.) Perform Workout

* Take 4-5 min. rest between sets.




Optional Finisher

(10 min) Prep and Perform Optional Finisher
* Get their load down to their working weight and perform a few reps at that load. Then, get started!

10 Power Snatches (95/65 lb.)
30 sec. Rest
3 rounds
* Adjust loads as needed. The 10 reps should be performed unbroken and quickly!



2 Rounds

10 Dynamic (moving) Under the Body Stretch
10 Long Lunges

5 Six-point Burpees
5 Burpees as fast as possible



AMRAP 20 min.

EMOM 10 min

8 – 10 Burpees



Workout completion



Scale reps to have up to 10-15 sec. Rest per minute.



25 Push-up
25 Double Unders
1 min. Plank hold
25 Double Unders
25 Mountain Climbers
AMRAP 20 min.



After the last few days of heavy Barbell and Overhead work—and DT on the horizon—we have a longer cardio/bodyweight workout in the cards today. It’s a sneaky shoulder burner. For athletes who attended Monday and Tuesday, think of this workout as an opportunity to get some perfect Push-up technique and volume in, as well as a chance to get sweaty. For those who haven’t attended this week, this workout is about pushing the envelope and hitting it hard for 20 min.

A 1-min. Plank is sandwiched between two mini-couplets. This gives athletes the opportunity to catch their breath a little between those two sets of Double-unders and to test their midline further after the Push-ups. We have also included some hip/midline accessory work in the warm-up to add to the stimulus of the session. Make sure people attack this with effort, rather than just treating it as a means to get to the workout portion.

They can perform the Plank on their hands or elbows. You decide. Use the same standard throughout the day.


Competitor and Rx’d: For most athletes, the limiting factor will be the Push-ups. The Plank and the Mountain Climbers will fatigue the shoulders and arms, as will the Double-unders, so make sure that athletes are smart about how they break things up.

The goal should be to pick a number for the Push-ups at the start of the workout that your athletes aim to maintain across the 20 min. It should be a number they can perform relatively comfortably with minimal rest between sets. It will most likely drop toward the end of the 20 min., but less than if they started by doing Max sets to failure.

The Double-unders and Mountain Climbers should be performed unbroken each round. They will get spicy, but encourage people to rest between movements rather than in the middle of a movement.

The Plank is accumulative. Most athletes will be able to hold for 1 min. at a time. They might need to break it up in the later rounds.

For your top athletes, aim for roughly 4+ rounds in the 20 min, which is roughly 1 round every 5 min. For everyone else, a good goal is 3+ rounds. Push-up ability will largely dictate how many rounds people get. Don’t be afraid to scale athletes mid-workout if their intensity starts to drop dramatically.

Fitness: We want these athletes to spend some time using a Jump Rope today. We have kept the reps the same as the Double-unders to increase their turnover rate for each round. Given the volume in their version of the workout, they should shoot to complete 4 rounds.



As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 min.
* The Plank is accumulative. Athletes need to hold for a total of 1 min./45 sec. per round. It doesn’t count toward any reps.


  • Push-ups: First, scale the reps to 15-20 per round. Then, have them elevate their hands to a Box or Bench. For variety, you can try using Bands, or even going to their knees. Change the stimulus from what they normally do.
  • Double-unders: First, decrease the reps to 20, then have them perform double reps (50) of Single-unders each round.
  • Plank: Have them drop to their knees. Only scale to this if they are unable to hold for longer than 30 sec. while fresh.
  • Mountain Climbers: Reduce the ROM if they are unable to achieve the full movement standard.
  • For Further Reading: Death to Dadbod: Double Powers



25 Push-ups
25 Double-unders
1-min. Plank Hold
25 Double-unders
25 Mountain Climbers
AMRAP 20 min.



After the last few days of heavy Barbell and Overhead work—and DT on the horizon—we have a longer cardio/bodyweight workout in the cards today. It’s a sneaky shoulder burner. For athletes who attended Monday and Tuesday, think of this workout as an opportunity to get some perfect Push-up technique and volume in, as well as a chance to get sweaty. For those who haven’t attended this week, this workout is about pushing the envelope and hitting it hard for 20 min.

A 1-min. Plank is sandwiched between two mini-couplets. This gives athletes the opportunity to catch their breath a little between those two sets of Double-unders and to test their midline further after the Push-ups. We have also included some hip/midline accessory work in the warm-up to add to the stimulus of the session. Make sure people attack this with effort, rather than just treating it as a means to get to the workout portion.

They can perform the Plank on their hands or elbows. You decide. Use the same standard throughout the day.


Competitor and Rx’d: For most athletes, the limiting factor will be the Push-ups. The Plank and the Mountain Climbers will fatigue the shoulders and arms, as will the Double-unders, so make sure that athletes are smart about how they break things up.

The goal should be to pick a number for the Push-ups at the start of the workout that your athletes aim to maintain across the 20 min. It should be a number they can perform relatively comfortably with minimal rest between sets. It will most likely drop toward the end of the 20 min., but less than if they started by doing Max sets to failure.

The Double-unders and Mountain Climbers should be performed unbroken each round. They will get spicy, but encourage people to rest between movements rather than in the middle of a movement.

The Plank is accumulative. Most athletes will be able to hold for 1 min. at a time. They might need to break it up in the later rounds.

For your top athletes, aim for roughly 4+ rounds in the 20 min, which is roughly 1 round every 5 min. For everyone else, a good goal is 3+ rounds. Push-up ability will largely dictate how many rounds people get. Don’t be afraid to scale athletes mid-workout if their intensity starts to drop dramatically.

Fitness: We want these athletes to spend some time using a Jump Rope today. We have kept the reps the same as the Double-unders to increase their turnover rate for each round. Given the volume in their version of the workout, they should shoot to complete 4 rounds.



As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 min.
* The Plank is accumulative. Athletes need to hold for a total of 1 min./45 sec. per round. It doesn’t count toward any reps.


  • Push-ups: First, scale the reps to 15-20 per round. Then, have them elevate their hands to a Box or Bench. For variety, you can try using Bands, or even going to their knees. Change the stimulus from what they normally do.
  • Double-unders: First, decrease the reps to 20, then have them perform double reps (50) of Single-unders each round.
  • Plank: Have them drop to their knees. Only scale to this if they are unable to hold for longer than 30 sec. while fresh.
  • Mountain Climbers: Reduce the ROM if they are unable to achieve the full movement standard.
  • For Further Reading: Death to Dadbod: Double Powers


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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07 Jul HOME WOD – Tuesday 7 July 2020

For those athletes who are proficient at the Power Snatch, use today to go for Max loads of 5-3-1. For others, use it as a day to push their boundaries and go as heavy as they can within their technical limits. We kept the reps at 5 for Fitness, so they can work time under tension a little more for the duration of the session.



Briefing video for Unloaded Workout


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)



(10-15 min.) Get Warm – PVC and a set of light dumbbells (15/10 lb.)

In partners, perform 8-10 reps each of PVC Partner Stretches.

Then, still in partners ‘I-go-you-go’:

5 Db SA Standing High Pull + 5 DB SA Push Press (each side.)
20 DB Toe-Taps
2-3 rounds each




(10 min.) Power Snatch Prep

Burgener Warm-up with PVC, then:

Snatch Oly Complex(power version) – Use Barbell here

(15 min.) Prep for Workout

4 x 5 reps Power Snatches
* Increase load each set.
* Use these sets to get to the load for their first set of 5.
* Their set of 5 should essentially be a Max attempt, so make sure they get up to a heavy load on their warm-up sets.
* This prep piece should flow straight into the workout sets.

(15 min.) Perform Workout

* Take 4-5 min. rest between sets.




Optional Finisher

(10 min) Prep and Perform Optional Finisher
* Get their load down to their working weight and perform a few reps at that load. Then, get started!

10 Power Snatches (95/65 lb.)
30 sec. Rest
3 rounds
* Adjust loads as needed. The 10 reps should be performed unbroken and quickly!



First Half of Chris Hinshaw Running Warm-up

Jog 200-400 m.

Dynamic Flexibility
*Leg Swings (10 R leg front to back, then L, then R side to side, then L side to side)
*Ankle Rotations (10 R and L, clockwise and counter-clockwise)
*Knee touches (3×3-5 sec. each leg) into the wall (toe 4+ in. from wall) to warm Achilles

Hip Mobility
*Side High-knee Karaoke drill (10 yards on each side)
*Alternating Forward Walkover “Hurdle” drill: High knee angled out and lift up and over
imaginary hurdle (10 yards)
*Walking while pulling knee to chest (while standing tall)
*Walking while pulling inner ankle up to chest (“Figure 4″)

10 Object Jumps + 10 Object Cleans



AMRAP 20 min.

Run 200 m
15 Object (Mb) Cleans
15 Object Jumps/Step-ups
Run 200 m
15 Object Jumps/Step-ups
15 Object (Mb) Cleans



Total rounds and reps completed. Count each 200-m Run as 1 rep.



Scale the Mb/Object Cleans to Walking Lunges.
Find something that you can comfortably jump/step up onto.




3 DB SA. Deadlift – right
3 DB. Hang Power Snatch – right
3 DB Power Snatch – right
3 DB SA. Deadlift – left
3 DB. Hang Power Snatch – left
3 DB Power Snatch – left
3-5 rounds

* Optional Finisher

1 RM Power Snatch



After yesterday, some people might be a little sore/fatigued from the overhead and pulling movements, but the moderate volume shouldn’t have too much, if any, effect on today. Use today’s workout to have everyone work up to a heavy and possibly Max 5-3-1 Power Snatch, with the emphasis on speed under the bar and having a solid landing position overhead.

It is up to you whether you want to implement an “unbroken” rule for the sets of 5 and 3. If you allow athletes to break them up, meaning they can put the Barbell down between each rep, make sure they don’t take longer than 3 sec. before picking the Bar back up again. There should be no break between lifts.

If you want them to perform a little finisher at the end, that is fine—allow around 10 min. to prep and perform it.


For those athletes who are proficient at the Power Snatch, use today to go for Max loads of 5-3-1. For others, use it as a day to push their boundaries and go as heavy as they can within their technical limits. We kept the reps at 5 for Fitness, so they can work time under tension a little more for the duration of the session.

Make sure people are catching as low as they possibly can while the loads are light, so that when the loads get heavier, their bodies are primed to get under the Bar, rather than reverting to bad habits of catching high and in less than ideal positions. They should be able to add a bit of load after their set of 5 for their set of 3. The amount will vary for everyone, but have them use their set of 5 to dictate how much more they think they can do, given 2 reps fewer.

Allow a lot of rest time between sets. We suggest 4-5 min. Keep everyone as close together as possible so you don’t have half the class finishing really early and the other half not finishing on time.

The finisher is intended to be pretty light for everyone. Athletes should be able to hold onto the Barbell for the duration of each round. Scale as needed.



Record all 3 Power Snatch sets.


  • Power Snatches: Scale load as needed. Increase the reps for newer folks who need to work technique. Take the Bar from the Hang to reduce the complexity of the movement.
  • For Further Study: Skill Transfer Exercises for the Snatch with Coach Burgener



Power Snatches

* Optional Finisher



After yesterday, some people might be a little sore/fatigued from the overhead and pulling movements, but the moderate volume shouldn’t have too much, if any, effect on today. Use today’s workout to have everyone work up to a heavy and possibly Max 5-3-1 Power Snatch, with the emphasis on speed under the bar and having a solid landing position overhead.

It is up to you whether you want to implement an “unbroken” rule for the sets of 5 and 3. If you allow athletes to break them up, meaning they can put the Barbell down between each rep, make sure they don’t take longer than 3 sec. before picking the Bar back up again. There should be no break between lifts.

If you want them to perform a little finisher at the end, that is fine—allow around 10 min. to prep and perform it.


For those athletes who are proficient at the Power Snatch, use today to go for Max loads of 5-3-1. For others, use it as a day to push their boundaries and go as heavy as they can within their technical limits. We kept the reps at 5 for Fitness, so they can work time under tension a little more for the duration of the session.

Make sure people are catching as low as they possibly can while the loads are light, so that when the loads get heavier, their bodies are primed to get under the Bar, rather than reverting to bad habits of catching high and in less than ideal positions. They should be able to add a bit of load after their set of 5 for their set of 3. The amount will vary for everyone, but have them use their set of 5 to dictate how much more they think they can do, given 2 reps fewer.

Allow a lot of rest time between sets. We suggest 4-5 min. Keep everyone as close together as possible so you don’t have half the class finishing really early and the other half not finishing on time.

The finisher is intended to be pretty light for everyone. Athletes should be able to hold onto the Barbell for the duration of each round. Scale as needed.



Record all 3 Power Snatch sets.


  • Power Snatches: Scale load as needed. Increase the reps for newer folks who need to work technique. Take the Bar from the Hang to reduce the complexity of the movement.
  • For Further Study: Skill Transfer Exercises for the Snatch with Coach Burgener


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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06 Jul HOME WOD – Monday 6 July 2020

Today’s workout requires 12 min. of effort and features a beautiful combination of Squatting, Pushing, and Pulling. The movements alternate between weightlifting and gymnastics. The loading for the weightlifting is moderate, but the gymnastics movements are all fairly complex for the average athlete. Lots of grippy movements today, which will test muscular endurance.



Briefing video for Unloaded Workout


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)



(10-15 min.) Barbell Prep Warm-up – Complex

2 Front Squats
2 Squat Cleans
2 Push Presses
2 Push Jerks
* Perform 1-2 rounds as a group with an empty barbell or PVC (coach as needed).
* Then, on their own, perform 2-3 more reps (1 complex), adding load each round.
* The last round should be done at their working weight (for the Cleans/Shoulder-to-overheads).


(10 min.) Handstand Prep


As a group, perform;
3 Wall Climbs + 15-sec. Hold at the top of the Climb (scale to Half Climbs or Inchworm to Pike Push-up position)
EMOM 3 min.
Then, perform:
5-6 Strict HSPUs (scale to Negative Lowers or 10 Pike Push-ups)
EMOM 3 min.




(15+ min.) Workout Prep (as a group)

Perform (on rings):
5 Strict Pull-ups + 5 Strict Toes-to-bars + 5-sec. pause with legs at the top position – Scale to Jumping Pull-ups + Knee Raises (raise 1 knee while 1 is supported on ground)

5 Pull-ups + 5 Kipping Toes-to-bars – Use workout modification here
5 Kipping HSPUs – Use workout modification here

* Prep as needed for the Workout.

(12 min). Perform the Workout


10 reps Hip Flow
10 reps Quad Pose to Hip Lift


10 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups


5 Jumping Air Squats
5 Clapping Push-ups
5 Sit-ups



As far as possible in 15 min

Jumping Air Squats
Clapping Push-ups



Rounds and reps completed in 15 min.



Scale Jumping Air Squats to regular Air Squats
Scale Clapping Push-ups to regular Push-ups




2 min. DB Squat Cleans
2 min. DB Bent-over row (1 min. each side)
2 min. DB Jerk
2 min. Handstand Push-up
2 min. DB Squat Clean and Jerk
2 min. V-ups


Today’s workout requires 12 min. of effort and features a beautiful combination of Squatting, Pushing, and Pulling. The movements alternate between weightlifting and gymnastics. The loading for the weightlifting is moderate, but the gymnastics movements are all fairly complex for the average athlete. Lots of grippy movements today, which will test muscular endurance.

There is no rest between movements, so athletes will need to strategize over when to stop one movement to get to the next. Do they go right up until the last second, or do they take the last 5 sec. to get to the next movement? It depends on how much they like the next movement—or how fatigued they are 😉

All barbell movements are performed with the same load. Try to avoid using AbMats for the HSPUs, unless it is for head protection. We want to preserve the full ROM as much as possible today.

We are using the warm-up as an opportunity for athletes to get some time under a light barbell for a few reps. If you feel like you need to get them a little sweaty before this, that is fine—otherwise, you can have them perform the first few rounds with a PVC or an empty barbell.


Competitor and Rx’d: For some of the movements, 2 min. will feel like a long time (like ALL the barbell movements), and for other movements, 2 min. will seem like a short time (like ALL the gymnastics movements—unless you have some ninjas!). Where possible, keep intensity high and rest short.

For the movements that people can perform quickly, have them hit these at an aggressive pace that they know they can handle for 2 min., though it will feel spicy. For some people, that might mean performing up to 15+ Squat Cleans in 1 min., while for others that might mean 10+ reps in 1 min. They should be able to get a few more reps per minute on the Jerks. The load should be something that they can handle the above with. Challenge some people to go heavier today rather than scaling the load. It is OK if they don’t get that many reps; they have other movements where they can push the intensity.

For the Ring Pull-ups and Toes-to-bars, the goal should be upwards of 10 per min. Because it is just one time through, you will have some people who don’t usually perform these movements in a workout being able to give it a shot. Set the standard for both movements before the workout so people know what to hit each rep.

The same goal of 10+ per min. for those HSPUs should be achievable, with your Competitors getting close to 15-plus.

Since the Squat Clean and Jerk is the last movement, really push them to hammer out as many as possible with whatever they have left in the tank. This might mean sets of as low as 1-3 with quick breaths in between.

The biggest challenge once they are past those first 2 min. will be to perform movements under heavy breathing and muscle fatigue. This means they shouldn’t go all out on the Squat Cleans, but should push to the point of yuck.

Fitness: We want to keep the intensity as high as possible for these athletes. A total of 15-20 reps per 2 min. for each movement should be the goal (give or take some movements).


Total reps.
* Add all reps together for the 6 movements to get 1 number.


  • Barbell movements: Scale the load as needed. Sets of 5+ should be the goal.
  • Ring Pull-ups: Scale to banded regular Pull-ups (unless you are OK with messing around with bands on rings), then perform Jumping Pull-ups for intensity.
  • Handstand Push-ups: Scale to Box Pike Push-ups, then to Pike Push-ups. Sets of 5 + are the goal.
  • Ring Toes-to-bars: Scale to Hanging Knee Raises (Ring or Bar). Set the standard at knees break parallel.



  • Hanging Knee Raises: Scale to Lying Bent Leg Knee Raises.
  • For Further Study: Box Rock Drill and Handstand Stability



2 min. Squat Cleans (115/75 lb.)
2 min. Ring Pull-ups
2 min. Jerks
2 min. Handstand Push-ups
2 min. Squat Clean and Jerks
2 min. Ring Toes-to-rings



Today’s workout requires 12 min. of effort and features a beautiful combination of Squatting, Pushing, and Pulling. The movements alternate between weightlifting and gymnastics. The loading for the weightlifting is moderate, but the gymnastics movements are all fairly complex for the average athlete. Lots of grippy movements today, which will test muscular endurance.

There is no rest between movements, so athletes will need to strategize over when to stop one movement to get to the next. Do they go right up until the last second, or do they take the last 5 sec. to get to the next movement? It depends on how much they like the next movement—or how fatigued they are 😉

All barbell movements are performed with the same load. Try to avoid using AbMats for the HSPUs, unless it is for head protection. We want to preserve the full ROM as much as possible today.

We are using the warm-up as an opportunity for athletes to get some time under a light barbell for a few reps. If you feel like you need to get them a little sweaty before this, that is fine—otherwise, you can have them perform the first few rounds with a PVC or an empty barbell.


Competitor and Rx’d: For some of the movements, 2 min. will feel like a long time (like ALL the barbell movements), and for other movements, 2 min. will seem like a short time (like ALL the gymnastics movements—unless you have some ninjas!). Where possible, keep intensity high and rest short.

For the movements that people can perform quickly, have them hit these at an aggressive pace that they know they can handle for 2 min., though it will feel spicy. For some people, that might mean performing up to 15+ Squat Cleans in 1 min., while for others that might mean 10+ reps in 1 min. They should be able to get a few more reps per minute on the Jerks. The load should be something that they can handle the above with. Challenge some people to go heavier today rather than scaling the load. It is OK if they don’t get that many reps; they have other movements where they can push the intensity.

For the Ring Pull-ups and Toes-to-bars, the goal should be upwards of 10 per min. Because it is just one time through, you will have some people who don’t usually perform these movements in a workout being able to give it a shot. Set the standard for both movements before the workout so people know what to hit each rep.

The same goal of 10+ per min. for those HSPUs should be achievable, with your Competitors getting close to 15-plus.

Since the Squat Clean and Jerk is the last movement, really push them to hammer out as many as possible with whatever they have left in the tank. This might mean sets of as low as 1-3 with quick breaths in between.

The biggest challenge once they are past those first 2 min. will be to perform movements under heavy breathing and muscle fatigue. This means they shouldn’t go all out on the Squat Cleans, but should push to the point of yuck.

Fitness: We want to keep the intensity as high as possible for these athletes. A total of 15-20 reps per 2 min. for each movement should be the goal (give or take some movements).


Total reps.
* Add all reps together for the 6 movements to get 1 number.


  • Barbell movements: Scale the load as needed. Sets of 5+ should be the goal.
  • Ring Pull-ups: Scale to banded regular Pull-ups (unless you are OK with messing around with bands on rings), then perform Jumping Pull-ups for intensity.
  • Handstand Push-ups: Scale to Box Pike Push-ups, then to Pike Push-ups. Sets of 5 + are the goal.
  • Ring Toes-to-bars: Scale to Hanging Knee Raises (Ring or Bar). Set the standard at knees break parallel.



  • Hanging Knee Raises: Scale to Lying Bent Leg Knee Raises.
  • For Further Study: Box Rock Drill and Handstand Stability


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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04 Jul HOME WOD – Saturday 4 July 2020

Happy July 4th America! We know this isn’t a holiday celebrated in every country, but it is a big one over here in the US so we like to recognise it. We like this workout because it is a classic CrossFit triplet that isn’t too crazy for the majority and is easily scalable. So for those folk outside the US, this isn’t out of the range of a regular day.



Briefing video


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)



(10 min.)

While partner 1 attempts to row a perfect 100 m! (To get a perfect 100m, athletes must use full pulls on the rower with no breaks in between pulls and land exactly on 100m.)

Partner 2 performs alternating long lunges.

Who ever rowed the closest to the perfect 100 m, doesn’t need to perform the penalty below —–>
*Add a 2 x burpee penalty per missed metre (if you land on 98 m, you perform 4 burpees).

Perform a total of 3 rounds. Mix up the penalties if you want and if it is the same person winning each time, at the end of the three rounds, have them perform 6 burpees for fun 😉

(5+ min.) Shoulder Warmup #1




(15 min.) Prep for Workout:

10 Deadlift
10 Ring rows
10 Box step ups


8 Deadlift
8 Jumping pull-ups
8 Over the bar jumps


6 Deadlifts
6 Pull-ups
6 Box jumps


4 Deadlifts
4 Pull-ups
4 Box jumps


* Increase the deadlift weight each round, with the set of 4 being their working weight.
* Increase the box jump height to their working height for the last round.


(20-25 min.) Perform Workout
* Each round should take around 3-4 min.


Run 200-400 m


Tabata: 8 rounds
20-sec. Crazy Finnish Exercise and 10-sec. (rest) Dead Bug


2 Rounds
10 Good-mornings
15 sec. Supine Plank
15 sec. Side Plank – R
15 sec. Side Plank – L



4 rounds

200 m Run
20 Good-mornings – hold object if possible
30 sec. Supine Plank
30 sec. Side Plank (15 sec. R + 15 sec. L)



Time to complete the workout.



Modify Run to 20 Walking Lunges
Scale Side Planks to knees



15 SA. Deadlift (each side)
20 Object jumps or jump-overs
15 DB Chainsaws (each side)
5 rounds


Happy July 4th America! We know this isn’t a holiday celebrated in every country, but it is a big one over here in the US so we like to recognise it. We like this workout because it is a classic CrossFit triplet that isn’t too crazy for the majority and is easily scalable. So for those folk outside the US, this isn’t out of the range of a regular day. There is a lot of pulling today. From the ground and overhead. Both shoulders and back are going to get lit up somewhere around the third round.


Some people might want to give the competitor option a go today since that is the ‘rxd’ workout. If you are ok with that, you will need to allocate more time for the workout and give them some ‘hand care’ advice for all those pull-ups.


We will leave it up to you how you need to organise your space due to covid restrictions. If sharing boxes isn’t an option, then you may need to perform over the barbell jumps instead. Double the reps.

Choose a load that they are comfortable doing 10 reps unbroken with. This applies to the other two movements as well. It shouldn’t be so easy that the workout takes 10 min., but just hard enough so that they get slowed down by it as the rounds progress.



Time to complete workout


Deadlifts: Scale load as needed. They should be able to perform 15 reps unbroken while fresh AND while under fatigue.

Box jumps: Scale the height as needed. They should feel comfortable jumping up onto the height they choose when they are tired. If they are scared when they are fresh, it is too high.

* For fitness, start with step ups as the modification OR use a plate to perform low box jumps on.

Pull-ups: Use bands today if you are ok with that. Otherwise, scale to a challenging ring row, then to a jumping pullup.



15 Deadlifts (185/135 lb.)
15 box jumps (24/20 in.)
15 pull-ups

5 rounds



Happy July 4th America! We know this isn’t a holiday celebrated in every country, but it is a big one over here in the US so we like to recognise it. We like this workout because it is a classic CrossFit triplet that isn’t too crazy for the majority and is easily scalable. So for those folk outside the US, this isn’t out of the range of a regular day. There is a lot of pulling today. From the ground and overhead. Both shoulders and back are going to get lit up somewhere around the third round.


Some people might want to give the competitor option a go today since that is the ‘rxd’ workout. If you are ok with that, you will need to allocate more time for the workout and give them some ‘hand care’ advice for all those pull-ups.

We will leave it up to you how you need to organise your space due to covid restrictions. If sharing boxes isn’t an option, then you may need to perform over the barbell jumps instead. Double the reps.

The intention of the workout is to plug away at a consistent, efficient pace. Nothing should be done at speed, unless your athletes know for sure they can maintain this pace across all five rounds.


The deadlift load is light to moderate, but there are 75 reps, so it might get a little spicy for some people. Regardless, your top athletes should be able to do all 15 unbroken each round. The box jumps are 24” for the rx’d version and we brought it down to 20” for everyone else (men and women). This way, your quicker athletes should be able to cycle those box jumps no problem each round and the majority of your athletes will be able to do quick jump up/step down transitions for each round.

The goal for the pull-ups should be able to be done in two sets in the early rounds and maybe 3 in the last few rounds. See the scaling options below.

Your top athletes will go sub or around 20 min. Allow up to 25 min. for the majority. It is up to you whether you want to enforce the time cap, if you don’t, then you should allocate up to 30 min, because there will be people who take that long.


Time to complete workout



Deadlifts: Scale load as needed. They should be able to perform 15 reps unbroken while fresh AND while under fatigue.

Box jumps: Scale the height as needed. They should feel comfortable jumping up onto the height they choose when they are tired. If they are scared when they are fresh, it is too high.

* For fitness, start with step ups as the modification OR use a plate to perform low box jumps on.

Pull-ups: Use bands today if you are ok with that. Otherwise, scale to a challenging ring row, then to a jumping pullup.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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03 Jul HOME WOD – Friday 3 July 2020

We are taking a break from going overhead today and focusing on pulling and pushing in multiple planes.



Briefing video


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)



(10 min.) Warm up in teams of 3

Accumulate 2,100 m. of Rowing as fast as possible. Have each person Row at least 200 m at a time.
While 1 person is Rowing, another person is performing Long Lunge Sequence and the other person is performing Inchworms + 1 Push-up. Switch stations each time someone gets off the rower.

(10 min.) Mobility in teams of 3

* 90 sec. at each station:
1. Good-morning to Squat
2. Banded Side Plank Row (45 sec. each side)
3. Split Stance T-Spine Rotations
2 rounds each




(10 min.) Prep the Dips (stay in groups of 3)

30 sec. Top of Dip Hold
30 sec. Dip Negatives
30 sec. Rest
3 rounds – Everyone starts at one of the stations and rotates


Then, have everyone attempt the following (either with or without bands):
Strict Dips


As soon as they start to fail, start performing Kipping Dips.
* At first, use this as an opportunity to have them practice something more challenging than what they normally do. Then, use their workout modification for the later sets.


(10 min.) Prep the DB Row

Using 1 load lighter than their workout weight, perform 10 reps (no Burpee), 5 on each side. Coach them through this and teach them the correct positions.

Then, using their workout weight, perform 5 reps on each side.
Then, perform 4 full reps. A full rep = 1 rep right + 1 rep left + 1 burpee.


* Prep as needed for the workout.

(15 min.) Perform the Workout



2 Rounds

10 Stationary Step-ups
10 Plank Shoulder Taps


30 sec. Hollow Hold (knee tuck hold)
30 sec. Sit-ups
30 sec. Plank
30 sec. V-ups
30 sec. Plank Get downs/get-ups
30 sec. Burpees



8 Rounds

8 Step-ups with object if possible
8 Burpee
8 V-Ups
8 Plank Get down/get-ups



Time to complete the workout.



Scale Burpee to Kick Back
Use scaling for V-up in the video above (knee tuck)
Scale to knees for Plank get down/ups.



30 sec. Double-unders
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. Object Dip
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. DB Renegade Row +




We are taking a break from going overhead today and focusing on pulling and pushing in multiple planes. We are using a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio, which will allow the athletes to maximize how much work they get done within each effort. The reps will vary between each movement, given the types of movements they are. The Row will be the quickest rep accumulator and the most metabolically demanding movement, while the Ring Row will be the hardest technical movement, making it tough to accumulate reps. The DB Row + Burpee will take the longest to perform, since it is technically 3 reps for every 1 rep.

The DB Row + Burpee is performed in a Plank position. 1 rep = 1 Row on right arm + 1 row on left arm + 1 Burpee (hands on DBs). We chose this load because athletes only perform 2 reps at a time with a Burpee in between. We feel like they will be able to sustain this over the 30 sec.

Have athletes start on different movements if you are short on Rowers. Alternatively, you can modify to Biking or Shuttle Runs (20 m) instead.


Everyone: The goal is to maintain the same results across each movement for at least the first 3 rounds, then there will be some expected drop off for the last 2. We want athletes to go out hard and try to hold on for all 5 rounds. This is possible for the Row and the DB Row/Burpee, but the nature of Ring Dips is that when they start to fail, there is no amount of rest that will allow them to get the same high number of reps. We suggest picking a number of reps for the Dips that they know is manageable to hit each round. For the Row and the DB Row/Burpee, just go all out every time. Since the rest is built in, athletes won’t need to factor that in.

* For the Dips, we want people to be able to hold at least 3-5 reps each time they jump up, to maximize intensity and volume. Take this into consideration when you help with scaling. This goes for all categories.

Competitors and top athletes should be looking at 10/8 Cals. on the Row, 10-15 Dips, and 5-6 DB Rows/Burpees per round. For the majority, a good goal across the board would be 7/5 Cals. on the Row, 8-10 Dips, and 3-4 DB Rows/Burpees.



Add together all reps from all movements for 5 rounds to reach 1 total number.

* Either keep a running tally for each round and add the rounds together, or keep a movement tally for all 5 rounds and add all movement reps together.



Ring Dips: Scale to using a light band, or perform a Box/Bench Dip.

DB Row + Burpee: Scale the load as needed.


DB Row + Burpee: Scale the load as needed and scale the Burpee to a Kick-back.

For Further Study: Death, then CrossFit.




30 sec. Row for Cals.
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. Ring Dips
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. DB Row + Burpee (50/35 lb.)
30 sec. Rest
5 rounds



We are taking a break from going overhead today and focusing on pulling and pushing in multiple planes. We are using a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio, which will allow the athletes to maximize how much work they get done within each effort. The reps will vary between each movement, given the types of movements they are. The Row will be the quickest rep accumulator and the most metabolically demanding movement, while the Ring Row will be the hardest technical movement, making it tough to accumulate reps. The DB Row + Burpee will take the longest to perform, since it is technically 3 reps for every 1 rep.

The DB Row + Burpee is performed in a Plank position. 1 rep = 1 Row on right arm + 1 row on left arm + 1 Burpee (hands on DBs). We chose this load because athletes only perform 2 reps at a time with a Burpee in between. We feel like they will be able to sustain this over the 30 sec.

Have athletes start on different movements if you are short on Rowers. Alternatively, you can modify to Biking or Shuttle Runs (20 m) instead.


Everyone: The goal is to maintain the same results across each movement for at least the first 3 rounds, then there will be some expected drop off for the last 2. We want athletes to go out hard and try to hold on for all 5 rounds. This is possible for the Row and the DB Row/Burpee, but the nature of Ring Dips is that when they start to fail, there is no amount of rest that will allow them to get the same high number of reps. We suggest picking a number of reps for the Dips that they know is manageable to hit each round. For the Row and the DB Row/Burpee, just go all out every time. Since the rest is built in, athletes won’t need to factor that in.

* For the Dips, we want people to be able to hold at least 3-5 reps each time they jump up, to maximize intensity and volume. Take this into consideration when you help with scaling. This goes for all categories.

Competitors and top athletes should be looking at 10/8 Cals. on the Row, 10-15 Dips, and 5-6 DB Rows/Burpees per round. For the majority, a good goal across the board would be 7/5 Cals. on the Row, 8-10 Dips, and 3-4 DB Rows/Burpees.



Add together all reps from all movements for 5 rounds to reach 1 total number.

* Either keep a running tally for each round and add the rounds together, or keep a movement tally for all 5 rounds and add all movement reps together.



Ring Dips: Scale to using a light band, or perform a Box/Bench Dip.

DB Row + Burpee: Scale the load as needed.


DB Row + Burpee: Scale the load as needed and scale the Burpee to a Kick-back.

For Further Study: Death, then CrossFit.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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02 Jul HOME WOD – Thursday 2 July 2020


Briefing video


Daily Board






Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)


(10-15 min.) Warm-up – Use light KB (one or two loads less than workout weight)

100-m Farmer’s Carry (50-m Right Arm + 50-m Left Arm)
10 Deadlift + Goblet Squat (1 Deadlift + 1 Goblet Squat = 1 rep)
100-m Front-rack Carry (50-m RA + 50-m LA)
10 Goblet Walking Lunges
100-m Single-arm OH Carry (50-m RA + 50-m LA)
4 TGUs (2 RA + 2 LA)

* With time remaining, perform 5-10 reps of Ninja Hip Flow.



(15-20 min.) Work up to a heavy 50-m Single-arm OH Carry

In partners, work up to a heavy 50-m Single-arm OH Carry (25-m RA + 25-m LA)
* P1 works while P2 rests, then switch.

Use 3-5 efforts to reach their max. For some, it may take 3 efforts. If you don’t have heavy enough KBs, use DBs.
* Make sure athletes maintain an optimal body position for the 50 m. Back arching and side leaning means they are NOT.

* Some people will be restricted by shoulder mobility. If that is the case, have them go lighter and perform 100-m efforts instead.

(5 min.) Prep for the Workout

Using their workout load, have them perform:
8 Backward KB Lunges + 15 Air Squats

* Prep as needed for the workout.

(5-7 min.) Perform the Workout



Repeat 5-10 reps of the Ninja Flow. If time permits, perform some Shoulder Band work.



2 Rounds

10 Air Squats to up-and-over fence
10 Inchworm + 1 Push-up
10 Samson Stretch
10 Warrior Stretch


5 Double Pulsing Air Squat
5-10 Chair Dips
10 Toe taps



AMRAP 10 min.

10 Double Pulsing Air-Squats (one pulsing (half squat + one full squat = 1 rep)
10 Chair Dips
20 Object Toe Taps


As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 min.



Scale Dips to Push-ups.
Scale UP to elevated feet.


12 Reverse Lunges with 1 DB
50 m Walk with 1 Arm DB OH Carry
25 Air Squats
3 Rounds


WOD Design and Logistics

Today, we are changing gears a bit after the heavy, taxing start to the week. We have a short, lower-body blaster with some static overhead work in store. Since the overhead work is static rather than dynamic, as well as short (50 m), any soreness from yesterday’s Thrusters won’t affect this movement too much. The back-to-back reps of the Lunges and Air Squats will make for a tough transition, but the reps and overall volume is low, so it shouldn’t change the intended speed of the workout as a whole.

The load is set to moderate for the Lunges and OH Carry, but for many athletes it will feel as though there’s a discrepancy between the two movements due to a lack of mobility and stability strength in the OH position while walking. In this case, you can have them use separate loads for each movement if you think it is appropriate.

*The Carry is intended to use the same load as the Lunges.

*For the Lunges, athletes can hold the KB in Goblet or Front Rack (on one side).

We have included some time in the prep to work up to a heavy Single-arm OH Carry. This will highlight how hard the movement is for many people and help with stabilization overhead, further preparing them for the workout.



Time to complete the workout.


WOD Goal

Everyone: We have prescribed the same load for the Competitors and Rx’d folks. To increase the difficulty for your Competitors today, instead of increasing the load, you can turn the Lunges into Single-arm OH Lunges, if you’d like.

Nothing should be broken up today. The hardest part will be the transition from the Squats to the Lunges, but it shouldn’t slow anyone down enough for them to need to take too much of a break in between. It is intended to be a sprint. NO running with the Carries, though. Your top athletes will be able to complete this workout in under 5 min., with most of your athletes finishing around 6-7 min.




Reverse KB Lunges: Reduce the load as needed. Use dumbbells if there aren’t enough kettlebells.

Single-arm OH Carry: First, reduce the load as needed. Then, hold the KB or DB in the front-rack position instead.

Air Squats: Scale the reps to 15-20 per round, then modify the movement as needed for individual athletes.



Lunges: If needed, omit the KB.


12 Reverse Lunges with 1 KB (24/16 kg)
50-m Single-arm OH Carry
30 Air Squats
3 rounds


WOD Design and Logistics

Today, we are changing gears a bit after the heavy, taxing start to the week. We have a short, lower-body blaster with some static overhead work in store. Since the overhead work is static rather than dynamic, as well as short (50 m), any soreness from yesterday’s Thrusters won’t affect this movement too much. The back-to-back reps of the Lunges and Air Squats will make for a tough transition, but the reps and overall volume is low, so it shouldn’t change the intended speed of the workout as a whole.

The load is set to moderate for the Lunges and OH Carry, but for many athletes it will feel as though there’s a discrepancy between the two movements due to a lack of mobility and stability strength in the OH position while walking. In this case, you can have them use separate loads for each movement if you think it is appropriate.

*The Carry is intended to use the same load as the Lunges.

*For the Lunges, athletes can hold the KB in Goblet or Front Rack (on one side).

We have included some time in the prep to work up to a heavy Single-arm OH Carry. This will highlight how hard the movement is for many people and help with stabilization overhead, further preparing them for the workout.



Time to complete the workout.


WOD Goal

Everyone: We have prescribed the same load for the Competitors and Rx’d folks. To increase the difficulty for your Competitors today, instead of increasing the load, you can turn the Lunges into Single-arm OH Lunges, if you’d like.

Nothing should be broken up today. The hardest part will be the transition from the Squats to the Lunges, but it shouldn’t slow anyone down enough for them to need to take too much of a break in between. It is intended to be a sprint. NO running with the Carries, though. Your top athletes will be able to complete this workout in under 5 min., with most of your athletes finishing around 6-7 min.




Reverse KB Lunges: Reduce the load as needed. Use dumbbells if there aren’t enough kettlebells.

Single-arm OH Carry: First, reduce the load as needed. Then, hold the KB or DB in the front-rack position instead.

Air Squats: Scale the reps to 15-20 per round, then modify the movement as needed for individual athletes.



Lunges: If needed, omit the KB.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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01 Jul HOME WOD – Wednesday 1 July 2020

This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day.



Briefing video


Daily Board






(5-10 min.) Warm-up

Perform 20 Hands to Floor, Squat to Jumping Jacks
*Every 5 or so reps, yell a command (like “FREEZE!”) and have athletes freeze in a Supine Plank. The last person to get in a Plank has to perform 3 Burpees.
*If you don’t want to use the penalty, you can just make fun of the last person in a non-shaming way 🙂


(5-10 min.) Mobility

10 Arm Swings in each direction (forward and back, double arm, single arm, opposite directions, etc.)
10 Arm Circles in each position (start with wide circles, then slowly go to smaller and smaller circles)
1 min. Pole Stretch (each side)


5 Sit-ups to Pike (reach for R leg)
5 Sit-ups to Pike (reach for L leg)
5 Sit-ups to Straddle (reach for the middle)


10 Plane Crash Victims(5 facing down on floor, 5 belly up)



(20 min.) Review and Prep for Workout

As a group, with a PVC or empty barbell, review the Thruster as:
Front Squat—Press—Push Press—Thruster


Then, get straight into warming up your lift with:



*Add a little load each set. The last set of 3 should be performed at or close to the weight of the workout’s first set of 3.

(15 min.) Perform Workout

*Perform a set every 4 min. to maximize recovery.



(10 min.) Optional Finisher

5 x 25 Wall-Ball efforts

*Partner up—while one person works, the other rests. There should be roughly 1 min. to 90 sec. of rest each between efforts.

5 Rounds

12 x Jumping air squats

12 x sit-ups


5 Rounds for time



Air squats instead of jumping air squats


WOD Goal

This one is going to be burn the Legs! Try and complete all 12 reps unbroken. If 12 reps are too easy.. increase the rep range to 15 or 20 reps. The sit-ups will give the lungs and legs a small break. Make sure you choose a rep range that will challenge your midline each round! Do five rounds.. make the legs burn. If you are just getting into training.. rather do less reps or scale down to normal air squats!


10 Rounds

8-10 DB Alt. Arms Thruster
Every 90 seconds.



* Optional Finisher


Total load lifted across all 5 sets.



Thrusters: Scale load.

For Further Reading: Muscle Damage for Size and Strength


WOD Goal

This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day. Today we are kicking off with some heavy Thrusters. This session will give athletes a chance to max out for 5 sets of 3 reps to test your strength capacity. We want each set to be max effort, which means we are going to take plenty of time to warm up to your starting weight and take plenty of rest between sets (3-5 min.). If any athlete fails a set at a desired weight, they will have ample time to re-attempt it if they choose to do so.

The Thrusters are taken off the rack today, so you don’t have to worry about the Squat Clean portion.

We have added an optional finisher for those wanting a little extra. If you’ve been with us for a while, you will know our feelings on these 😉 We want the focus to be the lifting and we believe that, if done properly, no one should need to do anything else. But we get that there are a few reasons why a finisher may be appropriate, so we still throw them in there occasionally. Be sure to take some time from somewhere else in the workout, since we don’t allocate time for a finisher in the session plan.


Fitness: We want the second set of 3 to be heavier than the first, so each set in your workout today should be getting heavier. These athletes will often get better with more repetition, so if they don’t necessarily feel that great at a certain weight, have them repeat it and then add more. It isn’t likely that these athletes will be going too heavy in terms of your overall strength reserve (since technique will inhibit them), so they can afford a few more sets to work on positions if need be.


* Optional Finisher



Total load lifted across all 5 sets.



Thrusters: Scale load.

For Further Reading: Muscle Damage for Size and Strength


WOD Goal

This month, we have Power movements and lots of Squatting on the menu for our single-modality strength day. Today we are kicking off with some heavy Thrusters. This session will give athletes a chance to max out for 5 sets of 3 reps to test your strength capacity. We want each set to be max effort, which means we are going to take plenty of time to warm up to your starting weight and take plenty of rest between sets (3-5 min.). If any athlete fails a set at a desired weight, they will have ample time to re-attempt it if they choose to do so.

The Thrusters are taken off the rack today, so you don’t have to worry about the Squat Clean portion.

We have added an optional finisher for those wanting a little extra. If you’ve been with us for a while, you will know our feelings on these 😉 We want the focus to be the lifting and we believe that, if done properly, no one should need to do anything else. But we get that there are a few reasons why a finisher may be appropriate, so we still throw them in there occasionally. Be sure to take some time from somewhere else in the workout, since we don’t allocate time for a finisher in the session plan.


Everyone: Typically, the Push Press portion of the movement is the inhibiting factor, so you can give athletes who know your Push Press numbers a good idea of where to ballpark your weight attempts based off that figure if they don’t know your Thruster max numbers.

Competitor & Rx’d: Shoot for a loading around or slightly above 85 percent across all sets.

Fitness: We want the second set of 3 to be heavier than the first, so each set in your workout today should be getting heavier. These athletes will often get better with more repetition, so if they don’t necessarily feel that great at a certain weight, have them repeat it and then add more. It isn’t likely that these athletes will be going too heavy in terms of your overall strength reserve (since technique will inhibit them), so they can afford a few more sets to work on positions if need be.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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30 Jun HOME WOD – Tuesday 30 June 2020

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable.



Briefing video




Daily Board





(5 min.) Quick Warm-up

5 x 10-m Shuttle runs.
10 Bootstrap squat stretches
5 x 10-m Shuttle runs.
10 Air squats
5 x 10-m Shuttle runs.
10 Jumping air squats


(15-20 min.) Project Inversion #13


3 x Max Handstand Hold
* Choose a position that they can maintain for longer than 30 sec. for each hold
* Scale as needed as per the first week – compare results.


For fun BONUS – Walking on Hands

10 Walk into Wall — Kick up 5-10 m away from wall and Handstand Walk into Wall
* Scale DOWN to 10 Slow Perfect Wall Climbs, or as Round the World Walks (Box or Pike)
20 Hand Plate Walks — Use 45 lb Plates on either side and walk right hand up, then across to the other side, left hand is up on the other plate
* Scale UP to Handstand Walking with plates as obstacles
* Scale DOWN to Box or Pike Plate Walks



(10-15 min.) Prep for the Front Squats


As a group, with a db or empty barbell, review the front squat as needed.

Front squat – pause front squat – flag-pole stretch – sots press


Then, perform:

20 Front squats
15 Front squats
10 Front squats
* Between each set, run 100-m at a moderate pace.
* Add load each round to work up to the workout load.


* Prep as needed for the workout.
* UL folk, work the air squat instead.


(10-15 min.) Perform the workout
* With time remaining, perform a cool down.


For Time

100 Air Squats
1 k Run


Time to complete the workout



Scale to 800 m, or modify to a row instead if possible.
Air squats: Reduce the reps as needed.


WOD Goal

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable. If you are not on board with this, you can row instead (if possible). Ideally, you should all run. The squatting/running couplet is such a unique stimulus. The volume for the squats is low and moderate in load, which will mean they can race through these reps and get to the meat of the workout, the run.


This isn’t a sprint. It is a short workout, but not a sprint. People will want to be a little conservative out the gate. Perform the squats with intention, not 100% intensity. The loading should feel moderate for the first half, then challenging for the second half. Two sets is ideal, some will need to break it up into 3 or even 4. The goal is to finish the squats within 2.30 minutes. Top athletes will most likely go unbroken under 2 minutes.
We want the workout to be about the run. The squats will pre-fatigue them a little out the gate, but by the 400-m mark, they should find their groove and set into a solid pace for the remaining 600 m. Total times should range between 7-10 minutes.

For Time

70 Db Front Squats
1 k Run


Time to complete the workout



Scale to 800 m, or modify to a row instead if possible.
DB Front squats: First, scale to one dumbbell. Then, scale the reps as needed.


WOD Goal

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable. If you are not on board with this, you can row instead (if possible). Ideally, you should all run. The squatting/running couplet is such a unique stimulus. The volume for the squats is low and moderate in load, which will mean they can race through these reps and get to the meat of the workout, the run.

This isn’t a sprint. It is a short workout, but not a sprint. People will want to be a little conservative out the gate. Perform the squats with intention, not 100% intensity. The loading should feel moderate for the first half, then challenging for the second half. Two sets is ideal, some will need to break it up into 3 or even 4. The goal is to finish the squats within 2.30 minutes. Top athletes will most likely go unbroken under 2 minutes.
We want the workout to be about the run. The squats will pre-fatigue them a little out the gate, but by the 400-m mark, they should find their groove and set into a solid pace for the remaining 600 m. Total times should range between 7-10 minutes.


For Time

35 Front Squats (135/95 lb.)
1 k Run


Time to complete the workout



Scale to 800 m, or modify to a row instead if possible.
Front squats: Scale the load as needed. An unbroken set of 10+ while fresh is the goal.


WOD Goal

We are doubling up on running from yesterday. The same volume, delivered differently. This wasn’t a mistake. We don’t do this often, but it is a good challenge to see where you are mentally and physically with being uncomfortable. If you are not on board with this, you can row instead (if possible). Ideally, you should all run. The squatting/running couplet is such a unique stimulus. The volume for the squats is low and moderate in load, which will mean they can race through these reps and get to the meat of the workout, the run.

This isn’t a sprint. It is a short workout, but not a sprint. People will want to be a little conservative out the gate. Perform the squats with intention, not 100% intensity. The loading should feel moderate for the first half, then challenging for the second half. Two sets is ideal, some will need to break it up into 3 or even 4. The goal is to finish the squats within 2.30 minutes. Top athletes will most likely go unbroken under 2 minutes.
We want the workout to be about the run. The squats will pre-fatigue them a little out the gate, but by the 400-m mark, they should find their groove and set into a solid pace for the remaining 600 m. Total times should range between 7-10 minutes.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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29 Jun HOME WOD – Monday 29 June 2020

Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes.



Briefing video



Daily Board





(10-15 min.) Warm-up

100-m run
10 Inchworms + push-up
10-20 Bird Peckers
10 Alt. Cossack Squat


200-m run
10 Plank shoulder taps
10 Alt. Air squat to up and over the fence


400-m run
10 Pike push-ups
10-20 Split leg good-mornings


(10 min.) Project Inversion Session #13

Round the Worlds

2 min. AMRAP Box Round the Worlds
Rest 1 min.
2 rounds

* Scale to Pike Round the Worlds
* Perform one set until failure one direction, then one set in the other and so on.




(10 min.) Pressing Prep

Review the PP and hold as needed.

Then, with a light set of dumbbells (one down from their workout weight) perform;
5 Press + 5 sec. hold at the top of each press
5 Push press
* Repeat with their workout weight


* For UL, have them perform pike push-ups and holds instead of the dumbbell work.


* Prep as needed for workout

(15-20 min.) Perform the workout


10 rounds

100-m Run
10 Pike Push-up
10 Pike Hold


Time to complete the workout



Run: Decrease the distance as needed.
* Ideally, keep the distance the same and reduce the total rounds to 7 or 8 if needed.

Pike push-up: Reduce the angle of your body. Then, scale to a push-up and it’s various scalings.
Pike hold: Scale as needed to a plank hold.


WOD Goal

The goal is to go straight from the run into the push presses and then without putting the dumbbells down, straight into the 10 sec hold. Everyone should be able to hold the dumbbells for 10sec without putting it down. Some people will be limited by your mobility. You should use a lighter load for both the push presses and the hold, or perform a one arm hold/dble hold instead.

There is no penalty for putting the dumbbells down during the push presses and hold, but try hold on to the dumbbells for the whole time, since you will get rest after this.
Each round should take no longer than 90 sec.-2 minutes. We have allocated up to 20 min to get it done. Top athletes will be able to complete the workout sub 15 minutes.


We are almost into July. These first two days of the week will be our last sessions of project inversion, as well as our offering of the unloaded version.
Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes. The volume per round is low to ensure the same intensity is maintained throughout the workout. The limiting factor will be the overhead hold, which is why we kept it short. Most athletes should be able to maintain the hold unbroken for the full 10 rounds.
NOTE: The hold is 10 sec. accumulative time. It needs to be done straight after the push presses. If you need to put it down during the 10 sec, your timer should pause and when you pick it back up again, you can resume your time. It is done with both dumbbells overhead.


10 rounds

100-m Run
10 DB Push Press
10 sec. DB Hold overhead


Time to complete the workout



Run: Decrease the distance as needed.
* Ideally, keep the distance the same and reduce the total rounds to 7 or 8 if needed.
Push press: Scale as needed. You should be able to perform 10 reps unbroken + the hold easily when fresh.
DB Hold: Ideally use the same load as the push press, but if you are so limited, you can try using a double hold with both hands on one dumbbell, or a one arm hold using a single dumbbell.


WOD Goal


The goal is to go straight from the run into the push presses and then without putting the dumbbells down, straight into the 10 sec hold. Everyone should be able to hold the dumbbells for 10sec without putting it down. Some people will be limited by your mobility. You should use a lighter load for both the push presses and the hold, or perform a one arm hold/dble hold instead.

There is no penalty for putting the dumbbells down during the push presses and hold, but try hold on to the dumbbells for the whole time, since you will get rest after this.
Each round should take no longer than 90 sec.-2 minutes. We have allocated up to 20 min to get it done. Top athletes will be able to complete the workout sub 15 minutes.


We are almost into July. These first two days of the week will be our last sessions of project inversion, as well as our offering of the unloaded version.
Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes. The volume per round is low to ensure the same intensity is maintained throughout the workout. The limiting factor will be the overhead hold, which is why we kept it short. Most athletes should be able to maintain the hold unbroken for the full 10 rounds.
NOTE: The hold is 10 sec. accumulative time. It needs to be done straight after the push presses. If you need to put it down during the 10 sec, your timer should pause and when you pick it back up again, you can resume your time. It is done with both dumbbells overhead.

10 rounds

100-m Run
10 DB Push Press (45/25 lb.)
10 sec. DB Hold overhead


Time to complete the workout



Run: Decrease the distance as needed.
* Ideally, keep the distance the same and reduce the total rounds to 7 or 8 if needed.
Push press: Scale as needed. You should be able to perform 10 reps unbroken + the hold easily when fresh.
DB Hold: Ideally use the same load as the push press, but if you are so limited, you can try using a double hold with both hands on one dumbbell, or a one arm hold using a single dumbbell.


WOD Goal


The goal is to go straight from the run into the push presses and then without putting the dumbbells down, straight into the 10 sec hold. Everyone should be able to hold the dumbbells for 10sec without putting it down. Some people will be limited by your mobility. You should use a lighter load for both the push presses and the hold, or perform a one arm hold/dble hold instead.

There is no penalty for putting the dumbbells down during the push presses and hold, but try hold on to the dumbbells for the whole time, since you will get rest after this.
Each round should take no longer than 90 sec.-2 minutes. We have allocated up to 20 min to get it done. Top athletes will be able to complete the workout sub 15 minutes.


We are almost into July. These first two days of the week will be our last sessions of project inversion, as well as our offering of the unloaded version.
Today we have a combo of running and pressing. The workout is intended to be around 10-15 minutes. The volume per round is low to ensure the same intensity is maintained throughout the workout. The limiting factor will be the overhead hold, which is why we kept it short. Most athletes should be able to maintain the hold unbroken for the full 10 rounds.
NOTE: The hold is 10 sec. accumulative time. It needs to be done straight after the push presses. If you need to put it down during the 10 sec, your timer should pause and when you pick it back up again, you can resume your time. It is done with both dumbbells overhead.

Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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