24 Sep HOME WOD – Thursday 24 September 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminToday, we are going to use the single leg hip extension for some leg strength building. Tomorrow we will focus on strength through the upper body. If 10 reps per side doesn’t illicit a stimulus that enables failure, add more reps.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(5-10 min.) Warm-up
T-spine rotation with shoulder rolls
6-point burpees
More Shoulder prep
Lying internal/external shoulder rotations – 30 sec. Each side.
1 min. Split stance T-spine rotation
(10 min.) Project Inversion Session #8
Death by Handstand Hold — In Partners (if not possible, perform as individuals and go as far as they can.)
P1 Performs 10-second Hold
P2 Performs 10-second Hold
Each round, add another 10 seconds. So round 2 they will hold 20 seconds and so on.
* The winner is the person who lasts the longest.
* Scale as previous weeks, but make it slightly easier so that they can go further than 1 minute total hold.
* If one person is better at holding, have the person who has tapped out find a number they can hold (10-30 sec) and have them hold that for the remainder of time their partner is holding.
Fully Loaded
(10 min.) Pullup Review & Prep Exercises
10-15 sec. hang on bar & torso twist (pronated, REGULAR grip)
Repeat with NARROW grip
10-15 sec. hang on bar & torso twist (supinated, REGULAR grip)
Repeat with NARROW grip
10 Jumping pull-ups
5 x (1 Jumping pull-up + 1 Slow negative)
5 BW Strict pull-ups OR 10 hard Ring Rows
Review mixed grips & practice a few reps in both directions.
(20 min.) Perform Sets
* Perform 5-10 bodyweight reps then add weight. Use workout mods here.
* Rest 2-3 mins between actual working sets.
Partially Loaded and Unloaded
Prep with 5-10 reps on each side. Then start workout and perform finisher.
(5 min.) Optional Finisher
10 tempo banded lat pull downs
10 tempo banded face pulls
3 sets – rest as needed between sets
* Tempo is pull, resist the way back in for 3 seconds.
* Use a thin band, no more than 1” thick.
*Place the band high for the lat pull downs and a lower band at eye level for face pulls.
If they have no bands, switch up the finisher to:
30 sec. Hollow Hold
30 sec. Sit-ups
30 sec. Rest
30 sec. Superman Hold
30 sec. Floor Back Extensions
30 sec. Rest
3-5 rounds
Single-leg Hip Extensions
Load lifted across all sets.
Single-leg hip extension: Ideally, you should go to failure on each set. Find a rep scheme that allows this.
WOD Goal
Today, we are going to use the single leg hip extension for some leg strength building. Tomorrow we will focus on strength through the upper body. If 10 reps per side doesn’t illicit a stimulus that enables failure, add more reps.
The goal is to get to failure on each set. Find some modifications (add reps, take away reps) to achieve this.
Bent over DB Row
Load lifted across all sets.
Bent-over Db row: Ideally, you should go to failure on each set. Find a rep scheme that allows this.
WOD Goal
The goal is to get to failure on each set. Find some modifications (add reps, take away reps) to achieve this.
Since you can’t pull from overhead, we will be pulling in the sagittal plane for these athletes today. The rep scheme is 10 reps per side.
Weighted Pull-up
Load lifted across all sets.
Pull-ups: First, scale to performing 3-5 reps of strict pull-ups per set. If this isn’t possible, have them use a band for today. Further scale to challenging ring rows for sets of 5-7 per set. Athletes can also perform a standing Pullup with a barbell in a J-cup. This is harder to quantify in terms of how much load the athlete is actually performing, so encourage them to do things like use one leg to offset weight rather than two.
WOD Goal
Today we are working on single modality strength gymnastics. There are a few ways to attack this workout. If athletes are familiar with your weighted pull-up numbers, have them perform it as a double overhand pronated grip. If this is the first time an athlete is performing a weighted pull-up and you haven’t gone for a heavy set before, have them perform any grip you choose — mixed (reverse), chin up (supinated) or double overhand (pronated). Weights can be placed on a dip belt across the waist, held between the thighs or feet with a DB, or even with a weight vest if weights are removable and can be counted.
As today’s workout focuses on gymnastic strength, we will also include a short optional finisher at the end in case any of your classes want to get a bit sweaty. 🙂
The goal is to find a heavy set of 3 and hold this load across all 7 sets. This will be challenging for most! Make sure people are resting so you can go full ROM without craning your neck to achieve the rep at the top. A proper rest also ensures that you can keep a better retracted position at the bottom without losing tension.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.