18 May HOME WOD – Monday 18 May 2020
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(5 min.) Quick warm-up
Run 200 m.
Then, perform some running drills to get warm. There and back for 20 m (roughly):
– Long Lunge with body twist
– Slow, big jumping, high knees (skipping)
– Fast high knees
– butt kickers
– walking pigeon stretch. Step, grab ankle and pull towards the body. Switch legs.
– walking on tiptoes
– walking on heels
– karaoke
(10 min.) Project Squat Better Session #10
10 Single leg stationary lateral step-ups – each side
10 Side plank leg raises – each side
3 rounds
* The video for the lateral step-ups shows forward facing stationary step-ups. Have them stand laterally to the box.
* These are for quality, not speed.
(5 min.) Prep for the workout
With a med ball/dumbbell/object perform:
5 front squats
5 x 1 front squat + 1 wall ball/cluster
10 Step-ups/lunges
5 Box jumps/object jumps
1-2 rounds – time permitting
*Prep as needed for workout
(35 min.) Perform workout
AMRAP 35 min.
400 m run
30 Object Jumps
50 Air Squats
As many rounds and reps as possible in 35 minutes.
Run: Scale distance to 200 – 300 m. Modify to 500 m, or 100 double-unders each round.
Object jumps: Use modifications suggested in the brief. If you are unable to jump, switch out for an elevated step-up or lunge.
Air squat: As suggested in the brief, add load if possible. Scale reps to 20-30 per round if needed.
WOD Goal
You should attack the workout with a similar mentality, nothing done too fast, and settle in for a long grind of a workout. Some athletes might get close to accumulating up to 7+ rounds.
35 minutes might feel like a really long time with the lack of load to slow you down a little. If you have something to add to the air squats, have you do that. If not, you can either reduce the time to 30 minutes, or simply endure a long sweaty 35 minute grinder!
For the object jumps, same idea as the PL track, if an object isn’t possible, sub the dumbbells for random objects around the house.
AMRAP 35 min.
400 m run
30 Object Jumps
20 DB Clusters
As many rounds and reps as possible in 35 minutes.
Run: Scale distance to 200 – 300 m. Modify to 500 m, or 100 double-unders each round.
Object jumps: Use modifications suggested in the brief. If you are unable to jump, switch out for an elevated step-up or lunge.
Cluster: Take out the cluster portion and Scale to a single db thruster. Further scale to a goblet squat.
WOD Goal
For the most part, this will feel really similar to the original, sans throwing an object. We have reduced the cluster volume to accommodate for the heavier dumbbell that most people will have over a med ball. The cluster is performed with one db held in two hands. Ideally, find an object to jump on that is roughly 20-24 inches. If this isn’t possible, place two dumbbells 3-5 ft. apart and jump over both of you to equal one rep.
You should attack the workout with a similar mentality, nothing done too fast, and settle in for a long grind of a workout. Some athletes might get close to accumulating up to 7+ rounds.
AMRAP 35 min.
400 m run
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in.)
30 Wall Ball (20/14 lb.)
As many rounds and reps as possible in 35 minutes.
Wall ball: Scale height of target. Then, scale further to a med ball thruster.
Box jumps: Scale height if possible. Then, use modifications from PL track. Lastly, perform step-ups if jumping is not an option.
Run: Scale distance to 200 – 300 m. Modify to 500 m, or 100 double-unders each round.
WOD Goal
For most of your athletes, after the first few rounds, you will most likely need to break up the movements. The goal is to stay consistent from the get go and aim to get each round done in roughly the same time. So, instead of doing big sets when you are fresh, you should pick a number you think you can manage for 35 minutes and stick with that. For some people, it may be 2 sets, for others 3. Keep breaks short.
Most people will accumulate up to 6+ rounds of running. That is over 2.4 k of running. Add that to the high volume jumping and squatting, and the legs are going to be feeling it by round 3-4. The runs should be paced smartly, but not to be used as a complete recovery effort. People will find a good rhythm that you can maintain between the two movements and the runs.
A little spin off a classic lady today. We have turned Kelly into a time based workout. Thirty five minutes will be a little longer than it takes the majority to do regular Kelly, so the challenge today is to see how much further can you go!?
The combination of running (monostructural), box jumps (gymnastics) and wall ball (light load) makes for a really aerobic, sweaty workout. The additional 5-10 minutes is the perfect dose to really make people have to push that extra little bit more than you want to. Heck, even regular Kelly does that!
The height of the wall ball target is 10ft for the men and 9ft for the women.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.