19 May HOME WOD – Tuesday 19 May 2020
Home Workouts, WodBlog | AdminThis one is going to be a quick turnover from movement to movement. The reps are low enough and the loading moderate for you to be able to keep moving unbroken and relatively quickly. The 3 min. break in between the couplets should be enough to give your arms and lungs little recovery before you need to go again.
Briefing video
Daily Board
(10 min.) Warm-up
5 Inchworms + 10 kneeling superman + 15 bootstrap stretches
2 rounds
5 push-ups + 10 sit-ups + 15 air squats
3 rounds
(5-10 min.) Midline accessory work
Alternating Tabata
20 sec. V-up + 10 sec. rest in top position
20 sec. Floor back extensions + 10 sec. rest superman hold
4-5 total rounds (4-5 per movement)
Fully and Partially Loaded
(5-10 min.) Review push jerk and hang power clean
Review with pvc and/or empty barbell/single db the following with as many reps as needed to have them moving well;
Press – push press – push jerk
Dip drive – muscle clean – hang power clean
(10 min.) Prep for workout
Fully Loaded
30 sec. Hang on pull-up bar and twist body around a little to stretch
30 sec. Kipping swings. Start with small swings then start doing bigger swings by pulling down on the bar.
30 sec. Strict toes-to-bar OR attempts
30 sec. Kipping toes to bar
* The time is just a rough estimate of how long we want them to be up there, you don’t need to be strict on it.
Then, perform;
6 Push jerk + 6 hang power clean
2 rounds
* use their working weight on the second set.
Partially Loaded
30 sec. Dragon Flag – or if nothing to hold on for support, perform without, just using legs up and slow lower.
30 sec. Wall lying hands-to-feet.
1-2 rounds
Then, perform:
6 Push jerk + 6 hang power clean
2 rounds
* Using both dumbbells.
(10-15 min.) Review wall climbs and modifications as needed.
Then, perform
30 sec. Dragon Flag – or if nothing to hold on for support, perform without, just using legs up and slow lower.
30 sec. Wall climbs – 1-2 reps slow and controlled.
30 sec. Wall lying hands-to-feet.
30 sec. Plank get/down-ups.
2 rounds
* Prep as needed for workout
(10-15 min.) Perform workout
5 rounds
6 Wall Lying Hands-to-feet
6 Wall Climbs
rest 3 min.
5 rounds
6 Wall Lying Hands-to-feet
6 Plank Get down-ups
Time to complete the workout.
* Include 3 minutes rest time.
Wall climbs: Scale the height climbed to half. Then, scale to 3 pike round the worlds. Switch directions each round.
Wall lying hands-to-feet: Scale to a v-up or bent knee raises. Lastly, to a sit-up/assisted sit-up.
Plank get-up/downs: Scale to knees, then scale to 12 kneeling shoulder taps.
WOD Goal
This one is going to be a quick turnover from movement to movement. The reps are low enough and the loading moderate for you to be able to keep moving unbroken and relatively quickly. The 3 min. break in between the couplets should be enough to give your arms and lungs little recovery before you need to go again.
Same goes as the other two categories. The goal is to move as quickly as each movement will allow you with limited rest between sets. Utilise the 3 minutes rest to charge up before needing to go again. The limiting factor will most likely be the wall climbs. 6 in a row will take longer than 6 push jerks, but we wanted to keep the difficulty level high with this movement. Allow a similar time frame overall for these athletes to complete the workout, as the time will balance itself out overall with the plank get-up/downs later on.
This variation will see you relying even more on your shoulder strength. We added two pushing movements require midline stability and will fatigue your shoulders overhead and in the plank position, and if done quickly enough, will get your heart rate and lungs working too.
5 rounds
8 Wall Lying Hands-to-feet
12 DB Push Jerk (50/35 lb.)
rest 3 min.
5 rounds
8 Wall Lying Hands-to-feet
12 DB Hang Power Clean
Time to complete the workout.
* Include 3 minutes rest time.
Push Jerk and HPC: Scale to a SA push jerk/HPC, switching each round. Then, further scale to using one dumbbell held in both hands.
Wall lying hands-to-feet: Scale to a v-up or bent knee raises. Lastly, to a sit-up/assisted sit-up.
WOD Goal
A two part workout today. We wanted to pair up a pulling gymnastics movement with two moderately loaded movements, so we chose the push jerk and hang power clean. We put the rest between the two couplets so that we could get a little more intensity out of you for the second one. Given the low volume per round and the nature of the moderately loaded movements paired with the toes-to-bar, the limitation to getting the workout done quickly will be strength endurance and lung capacity. All about that upper body and midline stability today!
This one is going to be a quick turnover from movement to movement. The reps are low enough and the loading moderate for you to be able to keep moving unbroken and relatively quickly. The 3 min. break in between the couplets should be enough to give your arms and lungs little recovery before you need to go again.
Grip will start playing a factor in the second couplet, especially with the addition of those hang power cleans. So, some people will probably start breaking up the toes to bar and cleans/wall lying hands-to-feet. Keep the rest short and the reps fast.
The loading is set as moderate for both categories. If you are not able to consistently perform 6 reps of both the jerks and cleans for at least 3 sets, then you should think about scaling. Ideally, we want people to try to do your toes to bar rxd, so have you scale the numbers to 4 per round to help this.
Each couplet should take you around 3-4 min. for top athletes and 4-5 minutes for the majority. We have allocated 15 min. for the majority to get it done.
5 rounds
6 Toes-to-bar
6 Push Jerk (135/95 lb.)
rest 3 min.
5 rounds
6 Toes-to-bar
6 Hang Power Clean (135/95 lb.)
Time to complete the workout.
* Include 3 minutes rest time.
Push jerk: Scale load as needed
Toes-to-bar: Scale to a hanging leg raise, then to a wall lying hands-to-feet.
Hang power clean: Scale the load as needed.
WOD Goal
A two part workout today. We wanted to pair up a pulling gymnastics movement with two moderately loaded movements, so we chose the push jerk and hang power clean. We put the rest between the two couplets so that we could get a little more intensity out of you for the second one. Given the low volume per round and the nature of the moderately loaded movements paired with the toes-to-bar, the limitation to getting the workout done quickly will be strength endurance and lung capacity. All about that upper body and midline stability today!
This one is going to be a quick turnover from movement to movement. The reps are low enough and the loading moderate for you to be able to keep moving unbroken and relatively quickly. The 3 min. break in between the couplets should be enough to give your arms and lungs little recovery before you need to go again.
Grip will start playing a factor in the second couplet, especially with the addition of those hang power cleans. So, some people will probably start breaking up the toes to bar and cleans/wall lying hands-to-feet. Keep the rest short and the reps fast.
The loading is set as moderate for both categories. If you are not able to consistently perform 6 reps of both the jerks and cleans for at least 3 sets, then you should think about scaling. Ideally, we want people to try to do your toes to bar rxd, so have you scale the numbers to 4 per round to help this.
Each couplet should take you around 3-4 min. for top athletes and 4-5 minutes for the majority. We have allocated 15 min. for the majority to get it done.
Mobility and Maintenance:
Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.
Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.
Nutrition Preparation:
Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.
Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.