HOME WOD – Saturday 4 July 2020

Happy July 4th America! We know this isn’t a holiday celebrated in every country, but it is a big one over here in the US so we like to recognise it. We like this workout because it is a classic CrossFit triplet that isn’t too crazy for the majority and is easily scalable. So for those folk outside the US, this isn’t out of the range of a regular day.



Briefing video


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)



(10 min.)

While partner 1 attempts to row a perfect 100 m! (To get a perfect 100m, athletes must use full pulls on the rower with no breaks in between pulls and land exactly on 100m.)

Partner 2 performs alternating long lunges.

Who ever rowed the closest to the perfect 100 m, doesn’t need to perform the penalty below —–>
*Add a 2 x burpee penalty per missed metre (if you land on 98 m, you perform 4 burpees).

Perform a total of 3 rounds. Mix up the penalties if you want and if it is the same person winning each time, at the end of the three rounds, have them perform 6 burpees for fun 😉

(5+ min.) Shoulder Warmup #1




(15 min.) Prep for Workout:

10 Deadlift
10 Ring rows
10 Box step ups


8 Deadlift
8 Jumping pull-ups
8 Over the bar jumps


6 Deadlifts
6 Pull-ups
6 Box jumps


4 Deadlifts
4 Pull-ups
4 Box jumps


* Increase the deadlift weight each round, with the set of 4 being their working weight.
* Increase the box jump height to their working height for the last round.


(20-25 min.) Perform Workout
* Each round should take around 3-4 min.


Run 200-400 m


Tabata: 8 rounds
20-sec. Crazy Finnish Exercise and 10-sec. (rest) Dead Bug


2 Rounds
10 Good-mornings
15 sec. Supine Plank
15 sec. Side Plank – R
15 sec. Side Plank – L



4 rounds

200 m Run
20 Good-mornings – hold object if possible
30 sec. Supine Plank
30 sec. Side Plank (15 sec. R + 15 sec. L)



Time to complete the workout.



Modify Run to 20 Walking Lunges
Scale Side Planks to knees



15 SA. Deadlift (each side)
20 Object jumps or jump-overs
15 DB Chainsaws (each side)
5 rounds


Happy July 4th America! We know this isn’t a holiday celebrated in every country, but it is a big one over here in the US so we like to recognise it. We like this workout because it is a classic CrossFit triplet that isn’t too crazy for the majority and is easily scalable. So for those folk outside the US, this isn’t out of the range of a regular day. There is a lot of pulling today. From the ground and overhead. Both shoulders and back are going to get lit up somewhere around the third round.


Some people might want to give the competitor option a go today since that is the ‘rxd’ workout. If you are ok with that, you will need to allocate more time for the workout and give them some ‘hand care’ advice for all those pull-ups.


We will leave it up to you how you need to organise your space due to covid restrictions. If sharing boxes isn’t an option, then you may need to perform over the barbell jumps instead. Double the reps.

Choose a load that they are comfortable doing 10 reps unbroken with. This applies to the other two movements as well. It shouldn’t be so easy that the workout takes 10 min., but just hard enough so that they get slowed down by it as the rounds progress.



Time to complete workout


Deadlifts: Scale load as needed. They should be able to perform 15 reps unbroken while fresh AND while under fatigue.

Box jumps: Scale the height as needed. They should feel comfortable jumping up onto the height they choose when they are tired. If they are scared when they are fresh, it is too high.

* For fitness, start with step ups as the modification OR use a plate to perform low box jumps on.

Pull-ups: Use bands today if you are ok with that. Otherwise, scale to a challenging ring row, then to a jumping pullup.



15 Deadlifts (185/135 lb.)
15 box jumps (24/20 in.)
15 pull-ups

5 rounds



Happy July 4th America! We know this isn’t a holiday celebrated in every country, but it is a big one over here in the US so we like to recognise it. We like this workout because it is a classic CrossFit triplet that isn’t too crazy for the majority and is easily scalable. So for those folk outside the US, this isn’t out of the range of a regular day. There is a lot of pulling today. From the ground and overhead. Both shoulders and back are going to get lit up somewhere around the third round.


Some people might want to give the competitor option a go today since that is the ‘rxd’ workout. If you are ok with that, you will need to allocate more time for the workout and give them some ‘hand care’ advice for all those pull-ups.

We will leave it up to you how you need to organise your space due to covid restrictions. If sharing boxes isn’t an option, then you may need to perform over the barbell jumps instead. Double the reps.

The intention of the workout is to plug away at a consistent, efficient pace. Nothing should be done at speed, unless your athletes know for sure they can maintain this pace across all five rounds.


The deadlift load is light to moderate, but there are 75 reps, so it might get a little spicy for some people. Regardless, your top athletes should be able to do all 15 unbroken each round. The box jumps are 24” for the rx’d version and we brought it down to 20” for everyone else (men and women). This way, your quicker athletes should be able to cycle those box jumps no problem each round and the majority of your athletes will be able to do quick jump up/step down transitions for each round.

The goal for the pull-ups should be able to be done in two sets in the early rounds and maybe 3 in the last few rounds. See the scaling options below.

Your top athletes will go sub or around 20 min. Allow up to 25 min. for the majority. It is up to you whether you want to enforce the time cap, if you don’t, then you should allocate up to 30 min, because there will be people who take that long.


Time to complete workout



Deadlifts: Scale load as needed. They should be able to perform 15 reps unbroken while fresh AND while under fatigue.

Box jumps: Scale the height as needed. They should feel comfortable jumping up onto the height they choose when they are tired. If they are scared when they are fresh, it is too high.

* For fitness, start with step ups as the modification OR use a plate to perform low box jumps on.

Pull-ups: Use bands today if you are ok with that. Otherwise, scale to a challenging ring row, then to a jumping pullup.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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