
WOD – Friday 6 October 2023


Strength & Skill

*Do a set every 1 minute and 30 seconds.

2 Behind The Neck Split Jerk
55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%

*From the rack.


WOD: 2 sets (1 set every 15 minutes)
In a 2:30 Window:
12 Power Snatches (43/30)
60 Double Unders
Max Calorie Bike in the time remaining

-rest from 2:30 to 15:00-

*Perform @ 95% effort (just shy of all-out effort)
**Ideally everything is unbroken and fast!


*** stretch and roll between sets while you wait

Target Calories each set: 30/25+
Minimum Calories before scaling each set: 20/15

How to Pace: SPRINT! Into The PAIN CAVE! The first two movements we are coming out hot, once it’s complete it’s time to close the eyes and fight through the pain. You will have a very long rest between sets on purpose. So there’s a reason for it so get your mind right and see if you can repeat or improve on that second set. Keep stations close to cut down on transition times.
How it should Feel: LACTIC ACID PARTY into PAIN! The first 2 movements are simply a “pay to play” for the real fun! It’s all about getting on the bike and going into that dark hole, resting and seeing if you got one more in you.

Power Snatch: Light (ideally under 70% of 1RM Power Snatch) where sets are fast, unbroken without any hesitation. Breathe through the motion and try to muscle snatch to improve cycle times if possible.
Double Under: Unbroken! Pick up the rope, take deep breath and get right into rhythm. Don’t try and go with a cadence that is outside your comfort zone.
Bike: We want this to be dang near all out (95%+). Attack and see if you can hold on right at the edge of all out effort. Get right on, ramp it up and get comfortable being uncomfortable. Use the total body and keep your head neutral to help steady your breathing.

0:00- 2:30 Complete power snatch, double unders and in time remaining max calorie bike

2:30-15:00 REST (yes, that is a long rest….that’s because this should be a SPRINT)

15:00 – 17:30 repeat for set 2

17:30 DONE

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