
WOD – Friday 19th April 2024


Strength & Skill:

*Do a set every 2 minutes.

8 Tempo Front Squat @65-72.5%
8 Tempo Front Squat @65-72.5%
8 Tempo Front Squat @65-72.5%
8 Tempo Front Squat @65-72.5%
*12 Banded Clam Shell (each side) after each set.
**Rest 3 Min between sets.
***Tempo: 3:0:X:1 AKA 3 sec down, 0 sec pause, Xplode up, 1 sec at top.
****Build off feel. Keep a little in the tank.


WOD: For Time
120 Double Unders
6 Rope Climbs
6 Squat Snatch (60/45)
-straight into-

2 Rounds
60 Double Unders
3 Legless Rope Climbs
3 Squat Snatch (70/50)
-straight into-

3 Rounds
40 Double Unders
1 L-Sit to Regular Rope Climb
1 Squat Snatch (80/55)

* ALTERNATIVELY: work your heaviest one rep to set the max weight you will need and drop your weights for the 3rep and 6 rep sets


Target Time: 15-20 minutes
Time Cap: 25 minutes


How to Pace: GRIND! All the gripping and ripping today. Let’s aim for a moderate, steady effort across rounds that allows us to complete each station with little to no rest between reps. Use the time between movements for the bulk of the rest. Ensure your weights are laid out correctly for quick changes on the bar.

How it should Feel: MUSCULAR ENDURANCE into some CARDIO! Upper Body pulling will be exploited today. Be smart when pacing, and don’t rush the lift if the arms are unready.


Double Unders: Unbroken! Find a steady cadence and breathing pattern while relaxing your shoulders. Make sure to lay your rope down everytime.

Squat Snatch: Weight starts moderate (60%), and then by the end, it will be heavy (75%+) Smooth and steady singles on all sets. Take a second before the first lift to ensure your body is ready.


Mobility and Maintenance: Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.

Nutrition Preparation: Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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