HOME WOD – Saturday 12 September 2020

Today we are combining time and task priority in one workout using all gymnastics/monostructural movements. You perform as many reps as possible in the first 9 min, then you go straight into a given amount of work that should roughly take 8-10 minutes to get through.



Briefing video




Daily Board





WARMUP ~ 10 mins

(10 min.) OTB Whole Body Complex

10 Alt. Supine Plank Leg Raises
10 Sit-up to Pike
10 Sit-up to Straddle
5 Inchworm into Down Dog into Cobra
2 rounds


(5 min.) Shoulder/dip prep

In partners (if possible) ‘i go, you go’:
30 sec. hold at the top of the rings/box/object
5 jump to top position of dip and slow lower to the bottom
30 sec. hold in the bottom position of the dip
5 strict ring/object dips

*Scale movements to use one foot to support on the ground for the holds, or both feet.
* Use a box and elevate feet to perform the more challenging progressions.



(10 min.) Prep for HSPU and double-unders

Minute 1: Kick up and hold a handstand for 30-45 sec. Scale to a pike or box pike hold. Scale further to a plank hold.
Minute 2: 50 Single-unders
Minute 3: 4-5 Wall climbs. Scale to walking as high as possible or scale to 12 plank get down/ups
Minute 5: 5 x 10 Single unders + 5 double unders
Minute 6: 5 Slow lower strict handstand pushup. Stand up between each rep. Scale to using an 1-2 abmat s under the head
Minute 7: 25-30 Double-unders OR attempts. Have everyone attempt here.
Minute 8: 5-7 Strict handstand pushups or attempts. Scale to a strict box pike pushup.
* The time frames are a rough guideline. It makes it easier to keep everyone together this way.


(5 min.) Prep for workout

20 double-unders/object lateral jumps
5 Ring/object dips
1-2 rounds


* Use modifications here.

* Prep as needed for workout

(20-25 min.) Perform workout

3 rounds

1 min. Object lateral jumps
1 min. Object dips
1 min. HSPU


3 rounds

35 Object lateral jumps
10 Object dips



Two scores for today.
Total rep count for the three rounds of the first triplet
Total time taken to complete the second triplet.



Ring/Object dips: Use a light band that doesn’t alter the stimulus of the ring dip too much. Otherwise, you can either have them perform jump to slow lowers, or use a hard box dip as a modification.

HSPU: One abmat under your head is ok today. No more. From here, scale to a box pike pushup, then a pike pushup.


WOD Goal

On the first triplet; For most people, you will get the most bang for your buck in the double unders/ Toe taps so you should work right up until each minute for those. However, some strategy to stop a few seconds earlier to catch your breath before you launch into the dips is also a smart thing to do. There are two ways to approach the dips and hspu. You can either perform one big max set in the first round and just hang in there for the last two rounds, or you can be more conservative and leave some room in the tank (arms) for each round. The problem with the latter is that most people don’t really know what your limit is so this way you might under shoot and be too conservative. At the least, try to get within a few reps of each set.

For the second triplet, you may need to break things up a little differently given you will now be a little fatigued and out of breath. That is fine, try hard to stick with your numbers for as long as you can and if you start dropping off, take quick breaks, and go again.

If you are unable to perform 10 reps of ring dips and hspu unbroken while you are fresh, you should think about scaling the movements. One way you can do it is to perform the first triplet as rx’d and then scale the second part when you are starting to fail reps.

NOTE: You won’t be accumulating that many reps in the dips and hspu. That is ok, today is also about some skill practise over intensity for that first triplet, so let people struggle a little during those movements.

Ideally, the second triplet should take around sub 9 min. for your top athletes. Allow up to 10-12 min. for the majority to finish.


3 rounds

1 min. Double-unders
1 min. Object dips
1 min. HSPU


3 rounds

35 Double-unders
10-12 Object dips


Two scores for today.
Total rep count for the three rounds of the first triplet
Total time taken to complete the second triplet.



Ring/Object dips: Use a light band that doesn’t alter the stimulus of the ring dip too much. Otherwise, you can either have them perform jump to slow lowers, or use a hard box dip as a modification.

HSPU: One abmat under your head is ok today. No more. From here, scale to a box pike pushup, then a pike pushup.

Double-unders: Use attempts if you don’t mess up too much. If every second attempt is a miss then you should scale to single-unders instead today. Double reps for the second portion of the workout.


WOD Goal

Today we are combining time and task priority in one workout using all gymnastics/monostructural movements. You perform as many reps as possible in the first 9 min, then you go straight into a given amount of work that should roughly take 8-10 minutes to get through.

To clarify, you perform as many reps as possible in each of the given minutes for each movement. You keep a running total for each round, record your total for each round, then add those three rounds up at the end to get one total score (number).

We used reps for the second triplet that we thought the average athlete would be able to consistently get per minute per movement when under fatigue. (give or take some reps). We are interested to see how long it takes you to perform the second triplet given the similar amount of reps but a different workout format. It’s more of an experiment to see how you handle the second triplet when you are fatigued.


There is no rest between the two triplets. You go straight from the last minute of hspu into your first round of the second triplet, starting with the double unders./ object toe taps

*find a dip modification that you can challenge themselves on for those dips. Elevate the feet to increase the difficulty.

We are using lateral object jumps instead as a variation to your week and program. Find modifications so that you can maintain the same consistency that you could with double-unders and ring dips. Everything else applies as above.


On the first triplet; For most people, you will get the most bang for your buck in the double unders/ Toe taps so you should work right up until each minute for those. However, some strategy to stop a few seconds earlier to catch your breath before you launch into the dips is also a smart thing to do. There are two ways to approach the dips and hspu. You can either perform one big max set in the first round and just hang in there for the last two rounds, or you can be more conservative and leave some room in the tank (arms) for each round. The problem with the latter is that most people don’t really know what your limit is so this way you might under shoot and be too conservative. At the least, try to get within a few reps of each set.

For the second triplet, you may need to break things up a little differently given you will now be a little fatigued and out of breath. That is fine, try hard to stick with your numbers for as long as you can and if you start dropping off, take quick breaks, and go again.

If you are unable to perform 10 reps of ring dips and hspu unbroken while you are fresh, you should think about scaling the movements. One way you can do it is to perform the first triplet as rx’d and then scale the second part when you are starting to fail reps.

NOTE: You won’t be accumulating that many reps in the dips and hspu. That is ok, today is also about some skill practise over intensity for that first triplet, so let people struggle a little during those movements.

Ideally, the second triplet should take around sub 9 min. for your top athletes. Allow up to 10-12 min. for the majority to finish.

3 rounds

1 min. Double-unders
1 min. Ring dips
1 min. HSPU


3 rounds

35 Double-unders
10 Ring dips



Two scores for today.
Total rep count for the three rounds of the first triplet
Total time taken to complete the second triplet.



Ring/Object dips: Use a light band that doesn’t alter the stimulus of the ring dip too much. Otherwise, you can either have them perform jump to slow lowers, or use a hard box dip as a modification.

HSPU: One abmat under your head is ok today. No more. From here, scale to a box pike pushup, then a pike pushup.

Double-unders: Use attempts if you don’t mess up too much. If every second attempt is a miss then you should scale to single-unders instead today. Double reps for the second portion of the workout.


WOD Goal

Today we are combining time and task priority in one workout using all gymnastics/monostructural movements. You perform as many reps as possible in the first 9 min, then you go straight into a given amount of work that should roughly take 8-10 minutes to get through.

To clarify, you perform as many reps as possible in each of the given minutes for each movement. You keep a running total for each round, record your total for each round, then add those three rounds up at the end to get one total score (number).

We used reps for the second triplet that we thought the average athlete would be able to consistently get per minute per movement when under fatigue. (give or take some reps). We are interested to see how long it takes you to perform the second triplet given the similar amount of reps but a different workout format. It’s more of an experiment to see how you handle the second triplet when you are fatigued.


There is no rest between the two triplets. You go straight from the last minute of hspu into your first round of the second triplet, starting with the double unders./ object toe taps

*find a dip modification that you can challenge themselves on for those dips. Elevate the feet to increase the difficulty.

We are using lateral object jumps instead as a variation to your week and program. Find modifications so that you can maintain the same consistency that you could with double-unders and ring dips. Everything else applies as above.


On the first triplet; For most people, you will get the most bang for your buck in the double unders/ Toe taps so you should work right up until each minute for those. However, some strategy to stop a few seconds earlier to catch your breath before you launch into the dips is also a smart thing to do. There are two ways to approach the dips and hspu. You can either perform one big max set in the first round and just hang in there for the last two rounds, or you can be more conservative and leave some room in the tank (arms) for each round. The problem with the latter is that most people don’t really know what your limit is so this way you might under shoot and be too conservative. At the least, try to get within a few reps of each set.

For the second triplet, you may need to break things up a little differently given you will now be a little fatigued and out of breath. That is fine, try hard to stick with your numbers for as long as you can and if you start dropping off, take quick breaks, and go again.

If you are unable to perform 10 reps of ring dips and hspu unbroken while you are fresh, you should think about scaling the movements. One way you can do it is to perform the first triplet as rx’d and then scale the second part when you are starting to fail reps.

NOTE: You won’t be accumulating that many reps in the dips and hspu. That is ok, today is also about some skill practise over intensity for that first triplet, so let people struggle a little during those movements.

Ideally, the second triplet should take around sub 9 min. for your top athletes. Allow up to 10-12 min. for the majority to finish.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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