Home WOD – Friday 10 July 2020

After yesterday’s taxing DT, today we are doing a quick gymnastics workout comprised of two unilateral Squat movements and an aggressive hip hinge in a chipper-style format. The lower body is going to feel taxed by the end. Overall, the volume is moderate for each movement, but because each movement is performed in one effort, it will feel high—especially the 40 GHD Sit-ups.



Briefing video for Unloaded Workout


Daily Board




Partially Loaded & Rx’d

(For Unloaded please click on the Unloaded Tab.)


WARM-UP~ 25 – 30 MINS

(10+ min.) Warm-up

With a light-moderate pair of DBs, perform:
Jog 100 m
10 Air Squats
10 Sit-ups
Jog 100 m
10Lying DB Extensions Overhead with 1 DB
10 Walking Lunges
Jog 100 m
1-2 rounds (time dependent)




(10 min.) Prep for the Pistols and the Workout

Have people find 2 progressions for the Pistol. The second one will be what they perform in the workout. Then, perform:

10 reps of their first progression
10 reps of their second progression

(5-10 min.) Perform the Workout




4-point Heel Taps
Cossack Squats



Time to complete the workout



10 good-mornings
30 sec Plank Hold
10 Alt. Single leg deadlifts
10 Alt. Cossack Squats
10 Plank Shoulder taps
2 rounds


(10 min.) Push-up Program Day 6

Unbroken Ladder
Unbroken Push-up

Perform 1 set, rest, then repeat with another rep added to the end.
Rest 30 sec – 2 min between sets.
If you fail before 10, go back down the ladder (I.e. 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1)




(10-15 min.) Review movements and prep for the workout


Tabata Hollow Hold/dead bug– scale to knees bent
20 sec. on/10 sec. Dead bug


Then, perform:

2 x 4-point heel taps
4 x 6-point burpee (pause at each point of burpee)
6 Alt. Cossack Squats

* Prep as needed for the workout


50 Walking Lunges
40 Strict Sit-ups
30 Alt. Pistols



After yesterday’s taxing DT, today we are doing a quick gymnastics workout comprised of two unilateral Squat movements and an aggressive hip hinge in a chipper-style format. The lower body is going to feel taxed by the end. Overall, the volume is moderate for each movement, but because each movement is performed in one effort, it will feel high—especially the 40 GHD Sit-ups.

For the Competitors, we have added load to the Sit-ups for an additional test. You can dictate how heavy you think the loading should be. Everything else is the same.

For the Walking Lunges, it is a total of 50 reps, so 25 on each side. Same for the Pistols: 30 total, 15 on each side. They are performed as alternating.

If you don’t have enough GHDs, modify the movement to 50 AbMat GHD Sit-ups, V-ups, or weighted Sit-ups. Get creative and do something different than what you normally do.

Scaling appropriately today is important. Make it too hard, and athletes will rest too much. Make it too easy, and they will miss the intended stimulus.


The goal is a sprint. The Walking Lunges will be done in less than 1 min. for most people, the GHD Sit-ups in around 2 min., and the Pistols in another 2 min. For your top athletes, around 5 min. should be the goal. For most people, the goal should be to finish around 7 min.

The limiting movements for most people will be the GHD Sit-ups and Pistols. Performing these unbroken will not be possible for most. Have them pick a number they know they can maintain across the set and take quick breaks. The hardest to stick to will be the Pistols. Coming off the Lunges and Sit-ups will make these harder, given the stability through the midline required to perform them! Heavy breathing will also be a factor at this point, adding to the difficulty.

Fitness: The thing to watch out for here is that you don’t over-scale and make the workout too “easy” for these folks. This is why we have kept the volume similar to the original workout. These athletes should shoot for a 7-min. workout that has them wanting to sit down afterward.



Time to complete the workout.


Walking Lunges: Ideally, there is no need to scale these, but if they do, scale the reps to 40 and/or modify to something that appropriately retains the workout stimulus.

GHD Sit-ups: Scale ROM first, then scale to AbMat Sit-ups or MB Sit-ups. The goal should be 10 unbroken each set.

Pistols: Scale to Supported Pistols (Box/hold on for support) or Elevated Backward Step Lunges. The goal here should be at least 6-8 unbroken per set.


AbMat GHD Sit-ups: Scale to regular Sit-ups.



50 Walking Lunges
40 GHD Sit-ups
30 Alt. Pistols



After yesterday’s taxing DT, today we are doing a quick gymnastics workout comprised of two unilateral Squat movements and an aggressive hip hinge in a chipper-style format. The lower body is going to feel taxed by the end. Overall, the volume is moderate for each movement, but because each movement is performed in one effort, it will feel high—especially the 40 GHD Sit-ups.

For the Competitors, we have added load to the Sit-ups for an additional test. You can dictate how heavy you think the loading should be. Everything else is the same.

For the Walking Lunges, it is a total of 50 reps, so 25 on each side. Same for the Pistols: 30 total, 15 on each side. They are performed as alternating.

If you don’t have enough GHDs, modify the movement to 50 AbMat GHD Sit-ups, V-ups, or weighted Sit-ups. Get creative and do something different than what you normally do.

Scaling appropriately today is important. Make it too hard, and athletes will rest too much. Make it too easy, and they will miss the intended stimulus.


The goal is a sprint. The Walking Lunges will be done in less than 1 min. for most people, the GHD Sit-ups in around 2 min., and the Pistols in another 2 min. For your top athletes, around 5 min. should be the goal. For most people, the goal should be to finish around 7 min.

The limiting movements for most people will be the GHD Sit-ups and Pistols. Performing these unbroken will not be possible for most. Have them pick a number they know they can maintain across the set and take quick breaks. The hardest to stick to will be the Pistols. Coming off the Lunges and Sit-ups will make these harder, given the stability through the midline required to perform them! Heavy breathing will also be a factor at this point, adding to the difficulty.



Time to complete the workout.


Walking Lunges: Ideally, there is no need to scale these, but if they do, scale the reps to 40 and/or modify to something that appropriately retains the workout stimulus.

GHD Sit-ups: Scale ROM first, then scale to AbMat Sit-ups or MB Sit-ups. The goal should be 10 unbroken each set.

Pistols: Scale to Supported Pistols (Box/hold on for support) or Elevated Backward Step Lunges. The goal here should be at least 6-8 unbroken per set.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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