HOME WOD – Friday 19 June 2020

We want you to get some strength building in today, so we have chosen to do a two part workout with the first part involving skill and strength.



Briefing video


Daily Board





(5-10 min.) Dynamic Mobility – on the spot if they need to

Regular Bear Crawls
Sumo Squat + Air Squat
Tall Duck Walks
Walking Bird Peckers
Zombie Inchworms
Jiu jitsu drill
Jumping jacks – full ROM



(10 min.) Review and prep for part 1

Fully and Partially Loaded

With an empty barbell/dumbbell, perform as many reps as needed to have them moving well of;
Clean deadlift – dip shrug – hang muscle clean – hang clean – power clean
Press – push press – push jerk – split jerk


Then, perform (still with empty barbell)
2 Power clean + 2 jerk + 2 clean and jerk
2 rounds
* This is to grease the groove of the complex with the empty barbell


* Then, have them switch gears to the clean and jerk part


(15 min.) Perform part 1

3 Clean and jerk
5-7 rounds
* have them do as many sets as it takes for them to find their max.
* Rest in between as needed.


(15 min.) Prep and perform part 2

Get their load down to their working weight and perform;
2 Power clean + 2 jerk + 2 clean and jerk
2 rounds
* If they need to make adjustments, do that now



Prep for both parts:

Strict sit-up
Up and over fence (make it high)


Perform part 1

Then, perform one round of amrap to prep


* Perform workout



1 min. Each side, pole stretch
10 Down dog to cobra – with pause each rep.
1 min. Each side, supine pigeon

EMOM 7 min.

4-5 Strict Candlesticks to handstand


AMRAP 9 min.

9 Couch anchored Sit-ups
18 High Knees


As many rounds and reps as possible for the complex in 9 min.



Candlestick to handstand: Scale the candlestick as per video recs. Scale the handstand to either a wall walk, or a plank hold.

Sit-ups: Scale to regular sit-ups

High knees; Scale to stepping up and over something high.


WOD Goal

We want you to get some strength building in today, so we have chosen to do a two part workout with the first part involving skill and strength. Hold each handstand for upwards of 30 seconds for each rep in the first part.


For part 2, even though there is no rule to perform the complex (6 reps) unbroken, the goal should be to be able to for each round. That will be a challenge and some athletes might be able to do that for the full 9 min, but the majority might only be able to hold that for a few rounds. That is ok, do it for as long as you can, even if it means taking a longer break between sets. you shouldn’t do this at the absolute expense of intensity though. What we mean by this is that everyone should be able to get more than 5 rounds during the 9 min. The top athletes will be able to get around 8 or more rounds.

For some of you, it might make more sense to do the first 4 reps unbroken, then do a quick drop and reset for the last 2 reps of the clean and jerk.

EMOM 7 min.

8-10 Power Clean and Split Jerk


AMRAP 9 min.

4 DB Power Clean
4 DB Split Jerk
4 DB Clean and Split Jerk


1. Score their heaviest set of 3 rep power clean and jerk
2. As many rounds and reps as possible for the complex in 9 min.



Complex: Reduce the reps per movement down so you are able to perform one round unbroken for at least the first 2-3 rounds.


WOD Goal

For part 2, even though there is no rule to perform the complex (6 reps) unbroken, the goal should be to be able to for each round. That will be a challenge and some athletes might be able to do that for the full 9 min, but the majority might only be able to hold that for a few rounds. That is ok, do it for as long as you can, even if it means taking a longer break between sets. you shouldn’t do this at the absolute expense of intensity though. What we mean by this is that everyone should be able to get more than 5 rounds during the 9 min. The top athletes will be able to get around 8 or more rounds.

For some of you, it might make more sense to do the first 4 reps unbroken, then do a quick drop and reset for the last 2 reps of the clean and jerk.


The intention is similar in that we will be working technique and efficiency through the clean and jerk. The method is going to be a little different. Slightly more volume given the lower weight. For part one, choose a rep scheme that is challenging and that you can maintain for 7 minutes given your load.

Find a heavy 3 rep Power Clean and Split Jerk


AMRAP 9 min.

2 Power Clean
2 Split Jerk
2 Clean and Split Jerk

* use 85% of their 3 rep clean and jerk


1. Score their heaviest set of 3 rep power clean and jerk
2. As many rounds and reps as possible for the complex in 9 min.



Complex: Reduce the percentage down to anywhere between 60-70% from the 3 rep for the complex. you should be able to perform one set of complex unbroken fresh with your chosen load.


WOD Goal

We are doubling down on heavy days. Yesterday the focus was on pulling from overhead with the pull-up, and today is about pulling from the ground and pressing overhead. We will be working up to a heavy power clean and jerk, then taking 85-90% of that and having them use that in a 9 minute amrap. The intention is for it to be heavy. The complex isn’t intended to be done unbroken, but it can.

We have chosen a split jerk today since it is rare that we do them in a workout. Today is a great opportunity to spend time under load performing them for reps,

The 3 rep = 3 touch and go reps of clean and jerk. you cannot drop the barbell between reps.

For part 2, the clean and jerk; the clean is taken from the ground.


The goal for part 1 is to lift as heavy as you are able to for today. This might not be near your regular 3 rep max, but that is ok since part 2 is being performed relative to your strength for today.


For part 2, even though there is no rule to perform the complex (6 reps) unbroken, the goal should be to be able to for each round. That will be a challenge and some athletes might be able to do that for the full 9 min, but the majority might only be able to hold that for a few rounds. That is ok, do it for as long as you can, even if it means taking a longer break between sets. you shouldn’t do this at the absolute expense of intensity though. What we mean by this is that everyone should be able to get more than 5 rounds during the 9 min. The top athletes will be able to get around 8 or more rounds.

For some of you, it might make more sense to do the first 4 reps unbroken, then do a quick drop and reset for the last 2 reps of the clean and jerk.


Mobility and Maintenance:

Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them.

Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them.


Nutrition Preparation:

Ensure that you have quality foods prepared in the appropriate quantities to fuel your efforts for the remainder of the week.

Mental Restoration: Different for everyone – could be quiet time, prayer or meditation or could be gathering with friends; the key is to engage in activities that make your life full and help you recharge your batteries.

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